Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gmail - We must defend the Tea Party and our conservative candidate -

Gmail - We must defend the Tea Party and our conservative candidate -

We must defend the Tea Party and our conservative candidate

Amy Kremer - Tea Party Express via to me
show details 6:58 PM (1 hour ago)
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Dear Friends,

Sen. Dick Lugar called us DC insiders!

The Tea Party Express endorsed Indiana US Senate candidate Richard Mourdock is being attacked by establishment Republican Senator Dick Lugar. The irony is that Lugar is criticizing Mourdock claiming that he is supported by DC insiders. This coming from a 36 year incumbent that epitomizes the DC beltway mentality. This coming from a guy that that has not even lived in Indiana, the state he claims to represent, since 1977.

Dick Lugar is desperately trying to hide his out of touch voting record on issues important to Hoosiers Republicans: his votes to raise the debt ceiling, continue pork-barrel ‘earmark’ spending, bailout private industry at taxpayers’ expense, support liberal judicial appointments and provide amnesty to illegal immigrants.
Lugar cannot run on the merits of his record so he has resorted to distortions and outright lies.
We must stand with the Tea Party candidate Mourdock and defend him against the attacks by Lugar - the DC insider. Indiana deserves to be represented better in the Senate and America needs a true conservative at this crucial time in our nation's history.
We here at the Tea Party Express headquarters are preparing to take back the Senate in 2012. However, RINO Senator Dick Lugar of Indiana cannot be allowed to tarnish the conservative name. We must come together and stop him from serving another 6-years as a liberal lackey.
Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock is a TRUE Tea Party conservative. A few months ago we endorsed Mourdock because of his steadfast commitment to stopping out-of-control spending and creating a leaner and more effective government. He has campaigned to repeal Obamacare and the job-killing Dodd-Frank act.
Thanks to you, the Tea Party Express has grown to be the largest Tea Party political action committee in the country. Our campaigns have led to key Tea Party victories all across the nation. Now, with the 2012 quickly approaching, must be ready! Donate today and help us defeat Dick Lugar and send the Tea Party conservative, Richard Mourdock, to Washington D.C.!

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