Friday, February 24, 2012

Gmail - Freedom From Union Violence Act Introduced -

Gmail - Freedom From Union Violence Act Introduced -

Freedom From Union Violence Act Introduced

Mark Mix via to me
show details 4:31 PM (19 hours ago)

Dear Jack,

"The Supreme Court put a lid on this 35 years ago," the union lawyer sneered, in defense of one of 10 former International Union of Operating Engineers Local 17 union officers and militants on trial.

The allegations include "causing $330,000 damage by pouring sand into the engines of construction vehicles, stabbing a construction company owner in the neck, and throwing scaldingly hot coffee at construction workers," according to the Buffalo News.

But the perpetrators just might get away with it.

You see, union bosses consider themselves above the law -- because they are -- thanks to the notorious Supreme CourtEnmons decision.

Today you and I have an opportunity to put an end to all this.

Last week, Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA) introduced the Freedom From Union Violence Act (H.R. 4074), which would close this loophole in federal law.

To learn more about the Buffalo case and the Freedom From Union Violence Act, click here.

Then, sign the petition urging your Congressman and Senators to cosponsor and vote for the Freedom From Union Violence Act.

The fact is, for decades union bosses and their underlings have committed thousands of reported incidents of violence, extortion, vandalism and even murder.

And in most of these cases these vicious acts of violence and intimidation have not even been investigated, much less prosecuted and punished.

Ever since the Supreme Court's infamous 1973 Enmonsdecision, union bosses have been granted immunity from prosecution for acts of violence and vandalism they orchestrate in the so-called "pursuit of legitimate union objectives."

This outrageous loophole in federal law has effectively tied the hands of federal law enforcement officers and has permitted union bosses and their handpicked "enforcers" to achieve their union goals – by any means necessary.

And, it's no secret union bosses are all too happy to use violence and terror to achieve their number one goal: force more and more working men and women into paying union dues.

You and I need to make sure union bosses and their henchmen are subject to the same laws as every other lowlife and criminal.

That's why the Freedom From Union Violence Act must be atop priority in Congress.

But to make this happen I'm going to need your help.

First, will you sign the petition to your Congressman and Senators urging them to co-sponsor and vote for the Freedom From Union Violence Act?

Next, can I also count on you to chip in with a contribution of $10 or more to help the Committee pay for and, just as importantly, expand this critical program?

If we are going to force the politicians in Washington to stand up to the union bosses and end this legalized union terrorism once and for all, it will take an army of concerned and committed Americans just like you.

You see, unless the politicians in Washington are forced to pay attention, they will continue to turn a blind eye to the violence committed by their union boss patrons.

With your help, we hope to contact millions of Americans who are outraged union bosses have the green light to act like they're above the law.

Your generous contribution will also help pay for costly radio, T.V., and newspaper advertising, which, if funds allow, we hope to run in swing states and districts calling on politicians by name to support the Freedom From Union Violence Act.

Your generous contribution today can also enable us to personally brief hundreds of influential nationally syndicated columnists, editorial writers and talk radio hosts in order to build momentum in the media for the Freedom From Union Violence Act.

So, please, sign the petition and, if at all possible, chip in with a contribution of $10 or more to the National Right to Work Committee so we can mobilize the grassroots army needed to finally plug this Big Labor loophole of violence.

With your help we will put an end to Big Labor's terror tactics once and for all.


Mark Mix

P.S. Today we have an historic opportunity to finally close the loophole that exempts union bosses and their handpicked "enforcers" from federal prosecution for violent acts which would send any other brutal thug or criminal to jail.

So please, sign the petition demanding your Congressman and Senators cosponsor and vote for the Freedom From Union Violence Act.

Let's make the politicians in Washington explain to their constituents why violent union officials should be allowed to get away with murder.

The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation. The Committee's mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160. The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892. Its web address is

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