Friday, February 24, 2012

Gmail - Do you still support Repealing Obamacare? -

Gmail - Do you still support Repealing Obamacare? -

Do you still support Repealing Obamacare?

Michael A. Needham, Heritage Action via to me
show details 9:57 AM (1 hour ago)
Heritage Action: Do you still support Repealing Obamacare? Having trouble viewing this email?

How you can help repeal today


Obamacare turns two years old in March. It has been two years of the law that drives us deeper into debt and fundamentally alters individual’s relationship with the federal government.
It must be repealed. Immediately.

Last year, Heritage Action crafted a plan to oppose, defund and ultimately repeal Obamacare. The new Republican House Majority passed a full repeal of Obamacare. Unfortunately, Senate Democrats and President Obama doubled down, obstructing all efforts to dismantle their government takeover of health care.

Obamacare must be repealed – two years is too long.

Heritage Action is working with conservative members of Congress to ensure repeal remains a top priority. And we’re asking conservatives like you to keep the pressure on.

Our Legislative Scorecard is in place and we are leading the charge to hold members of Congress accountable to the conservative principles they were elected to enact. We meet daily with members of Congress to persuade and educate them on the real impact of their votes.

Our voice is strong -- but it could be stronger.

Which is why we are asking you to support our Repeal Obamacare efforts by donating $10, $25 or more today. When you do, we’ll send you a free Repeal Obamacare sticker to proudly slap on your bumper.

Two years of Obamacare is too long. As Americans, we have the right and the duty to stand up against government intervention. We must stop Obamacare from proceeding any further past its second anniversary.
Thank you for all that you do.


Michael A. Needham
Chief Executive Officer
Heritage Action for America

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Heritage Action for America | 321 D Street NE | Washington, DC 20002

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