Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gmail - Voting Gold in 2012 To Pay Off BIG! - Special WND Report -

Gmail - Voting Gold in 2012 To Pay Off BIG! - Special WND Report -

Voting Gold in 2012 To Pay Off BIG! - Special WND Report

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Americans are awakening to a stark reality in this election year:our social and economic problems have grown so large they cannot be solved by changing one group of today's politicians for another.

It's time to invest our best hopes and the fruits of our labor in something far more dependable than politicians and their self-serving promises.

We are now at the end of a century-long party of; free-spending more than we produce, living on borrowed money, counterfeited paper fiat currency created out of thin air, and credit cards and loans taken out against a giant bubble of home prices and easy debt.

Regardless of your political affiliation, preserving wealth is an economic issue every citizen must be concerned with in 2012.

Astronomical Bills Coming Due by 2020!

Democrats have bought their voters and power for the past 80 years by adhering to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's famous motto:"Tax and Tax, Spend and Spend, Elect and Elect."

Republicans say they want to stop such profligate spending and soaring debt, yet in summer 2011 they voted yet again along with congressional Democrats to increase the debt ceiling.

Truth be told, the spending proposals of both congressional leading Republicans and Democrats will balloon our indebtedness far beyond$20 Trillion before the year 2020.

Gold prices are the only accurate barometer of unsustainable spending and the debt now undermining the U.S. Dollar as the world's reserve currency and as a reliable store of value. At nearly $1,800 an ounce, gold is now signaling more volatility ahead.

National lawmakers of both parties are drug addicts, spendaholics. Their drug is easy money, and until something takes away their ability to print as much as they want – and their no-limit credit card – their America-destroying spending spree will continue.

Welcome to the new "Inflatocracy"

The government pretends that Americans won't be facing dangerous inflation in 2012. The facts show otherwise.

As explained in "The Inflation Deception: Six Ways Government Tricks Us...And Seven Ways to Stop It!", our government and Federal Reserve have been printing trillions of dollars – at least $5.5 Trillion since President Obama took office – as a stealthy way of taxing us, redistributing wealth and power, and bankrolling a government whose politicians find it risky to openly impose higher taxes.

The politicians will be unable to pass out free goodies much longer because, frankly, they are running out of deposits of wealth to rob. They are devouring the capital in capitalism, the seed corn from which future jobs and companies would have been grown.

Soon only one semi-viable option will remain. Rather than put the obese government they love on a life-saving diet, many politicians will simply turn on the printing presses and create enough devalued paper money to cover any and all government debt.

This “monetizing” of our debts will destroy the purchasing power of whatever portion of your life savings is denominated in U.S. dollars.

Slap Golden Handcuffs on Politicians

We used to have a constraint on reckless spending. It was calledthe Gold Standard. It gave individual Americans the power to redeem paper dollars for gold, which meant that politicians did not dare print more paper money than government had gold.

Under a Gold Standard we needed no Federal Reserve. The dollar regulated itself, and retained its purchasing power reliably for America's first 150 years.

A restored Gold Standard could restore the U.S. Dollar's value, slow reckless government spending, and push back the coming tidal wave of inflation that threatens America's economy.

"The Federal Reserve and Obama Administration want higher inflation. The Fed's recent decision to hold interest rates near zero until 2014 effectively is a declaration of war against Americans with savings in dollars. Owning gold is your only protection right now," said Swiss America Chairman Craig R. Smith.

America's independence, freedom and prosperity came not from government but from pioneers who were mostly self-reliant and were ready to do things themselves.

America's Founders slapped golden handcuffs on politicians to prevent runaway debt and inflation. They would not have relied on government promises to provide for them, and neither should we today in restoring their values.

Sound Money & Liberty Born at Home

Many decades ago the U.S. abandoned the constitutional and biblical mandate to have a money system based on "just weights and measures" and today we are all paying the price.

The fate of our great nation hangs in the balance in 2012. Now is the time for people of faith to get their financial house in order so we are in a position to help family, friends and neighbors.

A good first step is to start creating your own personal Gold Standard by converting a portion of your nest egg into intrinsically-valuable money that undependable politicians cannot create (or destroy) with a printing press.

In 2012 we recommend voting for candidates who talk favorably about restoring a Gold Standard and sound money. Even more importantly, you can “vote with your feet” by making a portion of your nest egg golden.

You can elect to protect your savings and family right now!

To help Americans get ready for the inflation that must surely follow, Swiss America wants to get a copy of Mr. Smith's 30th Anniversary"Real Money Perspectives" newsletter into the hands of every American with assets to protect.

Register here for a FREE copy of "Vote Gold 2012" or call 800-289-2646.

BONUS DVD and Pocket Constitution: Swiss America will also include their 2012 "A Rare Opportunity" DVD which covers all the basics of moving yourself onto a personal gold standard.

Register here for "Vote Gold 2012"newsletter and, as a bonus, Mr. Smith's "A Rare Opportunity" DVD
and Pocket Constitution. – FREE in this special WND offer!

You'll soon understand why gold is inflation-proof money.

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