Wednesday, January 18, 2012

U.S. Border Patrol To Toughen Stance On Illegal Immigrants : Personal Liberty Digest™

U.S. Border Patrol To Toughen Stance On Illegal Immigrants : Personal Liberty Digest™

U.S. Border Patrol To Toughen Stance On Illegal Immigrants

January 18, 2012 by

U.S. Border Patrol To Toughen Stance On Illegal Immigrants

The U.S. Border Patrol is moving to halt a revolving-door policy of sending illegal aliens back to Mexico without punishing them first,The Associated Press reported.

According to the news outlet, the agency is reworking how it deals with the 1,954-mile U.S./Mexican border. Years of growth in the Border Patrol staff and technology have helped drive down the number of illegal aliens who attempt to cross the border.

The AP reported that the number of agents employed by the agency has doubled to 21,000 since 2004.

In fiscal year 2011, agents apprehended 327,000 illegal immigrants on the border, down 80 percent from more than 1.6 million in 2000. This marked the slowest year for the agency since 1971, according to the news outlet.

The AP reported that the Border Patrol will soon change policies for those who are apprehended, releasing a new strategy in the next several weeks.

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  1. Glen says:

    I’ve long believed that a period of confinement at hard labor for adults apprehended in this country illegally would be a good deterrent. If they could be forced to produce labor that paid for the confinement costs, it would be a viable response. If it also resulted in permanent disqualification for citizenship, that would be a further deterrent to illegal crossing. What we need is a properly managed bracero type of program where their rights are honored but citizenship does not result.

    • Randy131 says:

      For Obama to order these types of actions only proves that he is definately in the campaign mode, for which these actions will only be half-heartedly applied until the votes are counted from the national election in November of 2012, and then will be discontinued if Obama wins, or put into enthusiactically motivated action if Obama’s opponent wins. Only time will tell if officials of the US Government will finally start enforcing all our laws, instead of choosing to ignore those laws they believe that will not benefit them or their agenda and goals.

  2. Ted Crawford says:

    So, after only three years of attempting to create an open border, grant illegals prioriety rights through legislation like “The Dream Act” and hidden add-ons in almsot every other piece of legislation now, in an election year, he decides, “DUH, well mabey I should start enforcing the National immigration laws”! Transparent and far, far too late!

    • Doc Sarvis says:

      The current administration has deported more than any other recent administration. President Obama’s administration has not ignored this issue.

      • Dagney says:

        Just because he and “Big Sis” say they have, doesn’t make it true.

        • Doc Sarvis says:

          And just because you say they have not does not make that true. See:

          • Laugh Out Loud says:

            “Obama heard that message in a closed-door White House meeting with immigration advocates in March and was taken aback, according to participants. They said he was surprised by evidence that thousands of ordinary illegal immigrants continue to be targeted and deported, often for minor violations, despite the official focus on criminals.”

            It’s not because of Obama. The people on the ground are doing their jobs in spite of Obama’s best efforts to grant unofficial amnesty through his policy changes. A great example of another left-wing journalist propping up Obama and then shooting him in the foot in the same breath.

          • Laugh Out Loud says:

            You really should learn how to read.

      • s c says:

        OK, Comrade d, you’ve parroted the party line and you’re entitled to another check. Can you tell us HOW so many illegals got into America?
        You can’t deport someone if they’re where they belong, genius.
        Is there something you don’t understand about ILLEGAL? Do you support the idea of enforcing laws you like, yet you merrily ignore laws you don’t like? You really ought to reevaluate your standards for your god, bubba.
        His standards for followers are almost as low as your standards are for political gods. You deserve each other, but America doesn’t deserve him OR you.

  3. Disgusted says:

    What bull! I just watched a documentary on the program “American Greed” regarding housing these elligal immigrants in “prison/confinement facility” (whatever you want to call it). We pay billions of tax dollars a year with the system now – think how much we would be paying if we actually punished them for an extended period of time. This is big business for someone and it is not the taxpayer. On the surface this looks like we are doing something that will change the problem, but if you drilled down I bet you would see something entirely different! GREED! That is the motivator for this – that and what a great political move in an election year. No matter that it only looks good on the surface – that is as far as most people look. What a bunch ofSHEEPLE we have all become.

    • 45caliber says:

      If it wasn’t that our prison system seperates family, they would enjoy being in prison here. They get a good bed, free food, free clothing, TV time, and they don’t have to do much to get it. In fact, they would live better than they do in Mexico as a free citizen.

    • cawmun cents says:

      I give this shout of aproval to you Disgusted says:,you have seen through the smoke blown toward your backside.You have the knowledge of their black science,and have noticed that there is the potential to procure fundage for this experiment.Big fundage.
      You refuse to eat the candy coated scat.
      You are wise.
      You understand the implications of gubments appearing to do something right for a change.Congratulations!
      Suddenly I dont feel so alone anymore.HA,HA,HA……

  4. momplayer says:

    This is kinda like closing the door after the horses have escaped.Thereare so many here already it maybe too little too late.Although I believe there are some who are hard workers and truly want a better life,the majority seem to have came here only for the free ride and have drained our system to the point of no recovery.The drop can be explained not by stronger enforcement,but by illegals relizing it’s harder to get a free ride now than in past. If the goverment truly wants to limit immigration why not make this an english only,why not enforce the employment laws,why not stop aid to illegals? I think this is just another election ploy and as soon as the election is over it will be business as usual.

  5. Sirian says:

    An additional reason the illegal immigrant movement has slowed down is very simple – our economy. Sure the Border Patrol has been doing its best but even so, they can only do so much. With the amount of money that has been wasted on all the new gadgets supposedly helping this problem they could’ve built a fifteen foot double fence the full length of our border. Common sense and application of our standing immigration laws will not be adhered to as long as we maintain the controlling administration in office. This is not strictly restricted to the Oval Office – both houses of congress too. Until that has been accomplished we honestly won’t see a secure border.

    • cawmun cents says:

      But dont you understand that it would make the assertions of the current administration blatantly false if you were to believe that Sirian?Then Obama wouldnt be seen in the proper light.He might even be seen as(GULP!)helpful!That wouldnt be a fabrication of twisting reality would it?No spin doctors architecting those facts……right?
      Yep Doc Sarvis wouldnt have a leg to stand on if illegals deported themselves because of economic difficulties would he?
      Neither would Omamba.

  6. Doc Sarvis says:

    We would save loads of money if Americans would stop drawing people over the border to do our labor.

    • s c says:

      Comrade d, when can we expect to see an illegal take over your job? You’re obviously not a neurosurgeon or a NASA employee. How valuable can you be in this utopia? You can be replaced, genius. Talk about an idea whose time has finally come!

  7. Michael says:

    Why the hell should we pay to keep them up, send them back immediately the first time, then if they show up again,put them in a camp where they are required to provide their on sustenance or work at some type of production which can be marketed to pay their keep. the same goes for food stamps and unemployment. And before everybody gets on their high horse, I’ve been on both before, so I know a thing or two about it. I didn’t actively start seeking a job UNTILL the money was about to run out.

    • 45caliber says:

      Send them home the first time. The second time, let them build about fifty miles of fence along our border before sending them back. Then put our military on the border (just like most other countries do) with orders to shoot anyone trying to cross.

  8. Doc: Where are you from? I am from Texas, and can tell you there are so many Mexicans crossing our Borders, you are clueless. Janet is like all obames zars fake like all his programs

    • Dave says:

      Oooh, your from TEXAS. You must be smarter than all the rest of “us”. I lived in El Paso for many years. Tough situation there. Probably not at all like your area So maybe you don’t know but your little world. Don’t have to act like you are better because you only think you are.
      Most of the Mexicans, as opposed to “the majority” momplayer states are deadbeats, are working harder than any of us “Americans” to stay alive. Their is a work ethic in them.
      Not condoning the illegal activity but consider them part of the family of man.As any religious person should.
      It is true, more have been sent back the last three years than the previous eight, but that can’t count for anything because look who did it. He can’t be right, only wrong, on everything. More dumb drivel.

      • 45caliber says:

        Dave, you are right. Most of the Mexicans are workers. However they also take away jobs from good Americans because they are willing to take less pay since they also draw Welfare that the Americans can’t get.

    • eddie47d says:

      Mike; Thousands come across the border legally to work or to shop. At the end of the day they go home and that is why you see “so many” streaming across. Not every Mexican is an illegal and the situation is better at this time. Look at any legal border crossing station and it is always the same everyday .

  9. Barbara says:

    We are spending too much on these Mexicans. The ones that make it thru gets help from welfare, free medical and medications, we educate all the babies they have and now college while the tax paying American struggles to pay their doctor bills, budget their food bill and provide their kids lunch at school while the Mexicans get free lunch and throw out most of it in the trash. We are the suckers and no one is complaining or doing anything about it. Let’s all get together and protest by the thousands like the Mexicans do to us…same with the other foreigners. Quit being the sucker, Americans.

    • 45caliber says:

      I had a friend who used to own an apartment building. Most of those living there were on Welfare, with all its perks, while both the man and wife were working full time and the children part time. When he asked them why they did, they told him that the money was available free and that anyone who didn’t take advantage of it was a fool.

  10. Bert Cundle Sr. says:

    Isn’t TRESPASSING UNLAWFUL? If some one steeling, in your house… do you put them to work? Do you give the $ you put away for your childreens colledge, to them? Do you open your pantry, of your 1 weeks, meals to last till payday? Well, The Government does…

    • 45caliber says:

      I had a minister once near Corpus Christi who preached from the pulpit that it was our duty to go to the border, pick up Mexicans sneaking across, and bring them back to our own homes. We were to support them and keep them safe until they could find a good job (with our help).

      He was puzzled when the church insisted on getting a new minister.

      • s c says:

        45caliber, your ‘preacher’ was a social engineer. That “preacher” has been programmed, and would lead his flock into apostasy without thinking twice about it. Can I assume that the flock couldn’t get rid of that utopian twit fast enough?

  11. 45caliber says:

    “Years of growth in the Border Patrol staff and technology have helped drive down the number of illegal aliens who attempt to cross the border.”

    Actually, the reduction in the number of illegals coming across has nothing to do with the Border Patrol. It is due to the lack of jobs in the US. And the Border Patrol STILL sends move illegals home who have committed OTHER crimes here. About the only ones they don’t send home are the murderers – and many of them still go.

  12. Kerri says:

    Nothing is going to change on this issue untill our elected officails secure our borders and enforce the laws we already have on the books. Simple as that. This will never happen because our elected officials get rich in thier jobs by making one set of laws for themselfs and another for us. We desperately need term limits. That also will never happen because the ones we want out are the ones who create and pass the laws. Who is ever going to make a law to loose their own job? We need a national referemdum on term limits where We The People vote on the issue.

  13. H C Mac says:

    This is just a thought and it may sound heartless but;
    This potential 5th column must be deported to protect our national interests. When the illegals are deported confiscate all their assets (Everything bank accounts savings EVERY THING!!!!,) then only allow them to leave with the clothing they are wearing, nothing else.
    How they survive when they leave our borders is their problem not ours. They came here illegally (ILLEGAL MEANS ILLEGAL)
    And they should pay the consequences.
    When the word gets out the US’s illegal problem will be cut drastically.

  14. ranger hall says:

    Momplayer, Kerri Good Thoughts…LETS see WE doubled the amount of Border Patrol Agents. Millions Of Dollars extra each year The tax payer is Paying.Most likely 80% mexicans. No Problem.
    Lets see the Laws have been on the books for YEARS,YEARS. Still have not made our Borders SAFE. WE have a right to use our Military to Protect our Borders. The Politicians TALK about our Countrys safety BUT do very LITTLE. They seem only willing to Put more Laws on the books that Keep US Americans as the Countrys Problem. Maybe to many payoffs.
    NOW how many Made it Across, Heck we do not know.
    NOW we have Laws on the books that are designed to Punish Americans and Companys That Hire Illegals,,,BUT we DO NOT, With out Jobs and welfare Money these people would not come Here. Thousands of Illegals Pay NONE or Very Little into the system,Lets see Most on the tax forms have 5 or more dependents OPs no fed or State Tax. Thousands on the streets working UNDER tha Table, NO taxes at all. People YOU are responsible for this, And only we can stop this.
    ILLEGALS HAVE NO RIGHTS IN THIS COUNTRY,But if we Enforced our laws it would also help stop drugs, weapons, and money. SO you can see the politicins is not going to let this happen.

1 comment:

  1. If you want a decent country then start respecting those who do your work.
