Wednesday, January 18, 2012

US Attorney General Says Black People Less Capable to Get Photo ID

US Attorney General Says Black People Less Capable to Get Photo ID

US Attorney General Says Black People Less Capable to Get Photo ID

download (13)Monday for Martin Luther King Jr Day, US Attorney General Eric Holder spoke with NAACP leaders on the steps of the statehouse in South Carolina. Holder took the opportunity to tell the audience that he intends to fight against any and all attempts by states to pass laws requiring some form of photo ID.

South Carolina is one of those states in the voter ID fray and Holder told residents,

“After a thorough and fair review, we concluded that the state had failed to meet its burden of proving that the voting change would not have a racially discriminatory affect.”

How is this a racial issue? Is the Attorney General of the United States saying that blacks, Hispanics or American Indians are less capable of obtaining a photo ID than are whites?

In earlier reports, Holder seemed to indicate that the voter ID laws discriminate against poor people. If that is so are there no poor whites in South Carolina or any other state?

The statement Holder used is the type of racial rhetoric that helps to fuel the racial issues still raging through American society.

What would have happened if a white official made the same type of statement? In all likelihood, that white official would be publically chastised for making such a racist comment. If a white official said the same thing, I would not be surprised to see Holder and his Department of Justice going after them for racial profiling.

Take the case of what Holder is doing to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The DOJ has filed racial profiling charges against Arpaio for his efforts to fight illegal immigration and drug trafficking in his Arizona county. The vast majority of illegals and drug runners are Hispanic, so yes, he and his department have to focus their attention more on that ethnic group than any other. What’s the difference between racial profiling and efficient police work?

But Holder turns around and using the same racial profiling tactic as Arpaio uses for his law enforcement activities, trys to justify his personal fight to block voter ID laws. The hypocrisy of the actions screams injustice in both instances.

If that poor black or Hispanic person needed to buy any over the counter allergy medication that contains pseudoephedrine, they would have to show a driver’s license or some form of ID in order to purchase it. If they have a car, they have to have a state driver’s license AND proof of insurance. If they are that poor and need to receive state or government aid, they have to have some form of ID in order to request and receive that aid. Some form of ID, often a photo ID is required for anyone to fly on a commercial airline, to open a bank account, buy a house, cash a check and the list goes on and on and on.

If Mr Holder does not believe that any of these other ID requirements are racially discriminatory, then on what grounds does he believe requiring a photo ID to vote is a form of racial discrimination?

My question to Eric Holder would be, ‘what makes a poor black or Hispanic person less capable of obtaining a photo ID than a poor white person or a poor Asian person?

Clearly this cannot be the real reason that Holder and the DOJ are fighting against voter ID laws. In light of the revelation of what happened with dead people voting in the New Hampshire primary, the only possible explanation for Holder’s opposition tovoter ID has to involve the possibility of widespread voter fraud in the November election. If the Democrats can’t win back the House and keep the Senate and presidency through legal voting methods, that only leaves them desperate measures which could very well include voter fraud.

Could there be any other reason for his Hypocritic actions?

Karen Griffee's avatar

Karen Griffee· 6 hours ago

That is totally ridiculous! Are they trying to say that black people are not smart enough to obtain an ID? That would say they are not smart enough to work or even get welfare. So why aren't they not starving to death? This is the MOST RACIST comment I have ever heard.
4 replies · active 1 minute ago
Michael's avatar

Michael· 6 hours ago

I love Holder's argument. it's like a skit from SNL. God help any black family with a clogged drain in Illinois, because a state ID is also required to buy Dran-O. Are is that racist against white since we get more hair in the sink than they do?
DonT's avatar

DonT· 4 hours ago

It is also logically impossible to prove that (x) - ie: A Voter Identification Requirement - does NOT prove (y) - disparate negative consequences on {any group of people}. Every basic geometry student learns that it is impossible to PROVE a negative. This is a racist (Himmler... er... Holder) framing the question in a manner that is impossible for those who do not agree to respond - so they are labelled racist if they try. Typical "heads I win, Tails you lose..."
But evey capo understands why Himmler... er... Holder keeps his job. You need an enforcer to keep those rabble who don't wanna give you no respect understandin' that bad things happen to ya if ya don't give the Don his due.

There hasn't been as racist a crowd in Washington since Jim Crow ran the drinking fountains.

obama delenda est
screeminmeeme's avatar

screeminmeeme· 4 hours ago

Holder is just another cog in the re-elect-Obama-machine. For him to continue in his ''transformation'' of America, Obama needs every black vote and the well-worn cry of ''racism'' has proven to be an effective method to get what he wants.

As in the last election, voter fraud will again be used and Holder's job is to clear the way and guarantee results.
This is how the corrupt Chicago machine works. Nothing new here.

Those of us who want a fair, legal election need to make all the noise we can in opposition to Holder and his anti-American policies.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
if photo id's were required to get food stamps and welfare
we wouldn't even be discussing this.

by the way. holder lied and people died
1 reply · active 1 minute ago
screeminmeeme's avatar

screeminmeeme· 2 hours ago are spot on.
He needs to go to the slammer along with his buddy Barry.
So people without government ID are disenfranchised?

Shouldn't the Attorney General (Holder lied, people died) be more concerned about getting them ID instead of opposing ID to vote?

The most corrupt American DoJ of all time. In the top 10 for most corrupt in the world this century.
1 reply · active 3 minutes ago
LowChop's avatar

LowChop· 9 minutes ago

Blacks don't have any problem getting a drivers license, and it has your photo on it.
warren reynolds's avatar

warren reynolds· 7 minutes ago

Why is this as shole still in that position? I have never seen a more crooked bunch do more ilegal ind immoral things right in the open with no consequenses, when will Americans wake up and DEMAND from their congress to impeach holder and obama, I have sent many emails to my lawmakers unfortunately Marylands lawmakers are just as f ucking crooked.
Spyder dalton 's avatar

Spyder dalton· 4 minutes ago

Funny how many we see with fake ID's when we arrest them that they have paid 100.00 for... What a joke!
Help keeping them in poverty since the emancipation. Democrats being consisantly racist and blaming Republicans. Typical sociopathic behavior...
Simon Jester's avatar

Simon Jester· 4 minutes ago

Why is Holder not in jail yet? Criminal, usurping, talking head propagandist.
stevor's avatar

stevor· 4 minutes ago

Isn't that a RACIST thing to say? Let's call Holder on the "race card".
I'd sure object if he said that whites were less capable of getting a photo ID!
Paul R's avatar

Paul R· 4 minutes ago

Absolutely well written. If you have to have photo id for buying a car, getting a prescription, having lab work done at the doctor's office, or getting a driver's license why is is wrong to demand a photo id to vote? Your conclusion is the only rational one you could draw.
Patrick Henry's avatar

Patrick Henry· 3 minutes ago

They are able to get food stamps, welfare checks, free milk and cheese, free medical care, they are able to purchase liquor, beer and wine with no problems. They can but cigarettes and cigars, some even purchase and sell all kinds of illegal drugs. So dont tell me that they can NOT get a photo ID for voting purposes. Holder is a liar and a racist.....
Jim W's avatar

Jim W· 3 minutes ago

If they're not smart enough to get a photo ID, then they shouldn't be voting anyway. A complete non-issue!
bribozo19's avatar

bribozo19· 3 minutes ago

Pink Floyd says it best in one of their tunes..."time to go,... time to go...time to go" For the whole corrupt bunch of these sleezebags it is time to go.
Maybe black people are too lazy to get photo I.D. Holder wants fraudulent voting.
George L. Randle's avatar

George L. Randle· 3 minutes ago

Did Eric Holder insult every black person? As I said before, supid is was what stupid does. He must have fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down and he is the chief prosecutor for our Country.
osama obama hater's avatar

osama obama hater· 3 minutes ago

So according to holder, black people are too stupid to get a photo ID, that says a lot about a 3rd rate AG.
Benjamin Wabich, Sr.'s avatar

Benjamin Wabich, Sr.· 2 minutes ago

If obamagas stays in power in 2012, better start reading and learning the Koran, Holder is nothing more than his doggie.
warren reynolds's avatar

warren reynolds· 2 minutes ago

Umm let's see,THEY HAVE ALMOST AN ENTIRE YEAR TO GET A PHOTO ID, I'D BET MY ENTIRE SALARY THAT IF THEY NEEDED THAT ID TO GET A WELFARE CHECK THEY WOULD HAVE IT WITH NO ISSUES. The only thing making someone prove they are eligible to vote does, is help to stop fraud. I cannot wait till there are actually Americans in charge again. Why has nobody taken soros for a long walk on a short pier yet?
Patroit 2's avatar

Patroit 2· 2 minutes ago

I assume that these individuals, that Holder says should not need an ID to vote, do not drive, go to see a doctor, get admited to a hospital, draw any kind of govenment assistance, cash a check and a myraid of other situations that require a photo ID. He had better go back to the drawing board and find another excuse for his weak excuse. And please quit with the racist crap. I am also curious when Mr. Obama is going to start admitting that he is only 1/2 black, the other half is WHITE.
I guess blacks have problems getting their picture taken. It could be that they are vampires and the camera doesn't pick up their image. Does anyone have any more lame excuse that Holder could use? If I were black I'd be really ticked that he thinks this about me. What a jerk!
Remington 870's avatar

Remington 870· 1 minute ago

Holder is stacking the deck so people who do not have valid identification can vote anywhere they are bused by the Dems. Take 10,000 illegals from one precint to another and voila, instant Dem winners. Holder is a scumbag who is doing Obama's dirty work in urinating on the Constitution with passion. Holder is a traitor and one day will have to account for his traitorious acts.
Mari Owen's avatar

Mari Owen· 1 minute ago

That is pretty degrading to call black people so incompetent that they can't get ID. Really - is Eric Holder that racist? Perhaps we need to check to see if he is smart enough to have an ID card. Bet half of congress won't qualify. obama had to steal is SS card. I guess not all blacks can be smart, but then not all whites are either. Why isn't Holder standing up for the whites?

Read more: US Attorney General Says Black People Less Capable to Get Photo ID

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