Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gmail - How bad is our current economy? - fedupinarizona@gmail.com

Gmail - How bad is our current economy? - fedupinarizona@gmail.com

Dear Jack :

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Thank you again, from the team at WND.com!

We are living during a time in history when we all are wondering, "How should we live when the foundations around us are crumbling?" The unemployment situation is incredibly bad. The unemployment numbers coming from Washington are not accurate. Unemployment is not 9.4% because they omit everyone who is so discouraged that they stopped looking for jobs. When you add in these people unemployment is about 20%. One out of every five working adults in this country is out of work. Therefore, revenues and earnings are down, which will eventually cause a major stock market correction.

Interest rates are at historical lows, and not enough foreign money is coming into U.S. treasuries to meet the monthly obligations of running the U.S. economy. How will policy makers fix this? They will raise interest rates just like they did in the early 1980s. They have to sweeten the pot for foreign investors. Remember the early 1980s when a 30-year mortgage was 15-20%? Those days are coming again, and rising interest rates will crush the bond market, stock market, and put a further pinch on individuals, businesses, municipal, state, and federal governments as all of those are in debt up to their eyeballs.

Needless to say, what shall we do? How do we protect everything we’ve worked so hard to accumulate over the years from eroding or vaporizing due to decisions made by irresponsible policy makers? Who do we trust when we have the Bernie Madoffs of the world, the MF Globals of the world, and a host of others who seemingly have no ethics or morals, and do not view a client’s investment portfolio as if it were their own?

I urge you to contact my office and request the free DVD, "Monetary Madness." McAlvany Financial Group, whom produced this DVD has been actively educating their clients about the dangers and opportunities in the markets since 1972. They really have the pulse of the global economy and allocate into safe investment classes to protect and preserve your hard-earned assets. Given the violent economic landscape, you need to act quickly to preserve and protect. The world is changing before our eyes.

After watching the DVD, contact Kirk Elliott, Ph.D. He earned his doctorate in Public Policy and Economics, and is a nationally in-demand speaker at political and economic conferences, and he has been interviewed countless times on national and international TV, radio, and magazines, and is a frequent contributor on WND.COM. Dr. Elliott is passionate about educating his clients not in just HOW your assets should be protected, but WHY they should be protected. The peace of mind that comes with this is invaluable. I urge you to contact Dr. Elliott at (866) 211-8986 or through email at kirk@kirkelliottphd.com and schedule an appointment to go over your personal situation.

And for those of you who live in Florida, or will be visiting the Orlando area, our firm, McAlvany Financial Group, will be hosting an economic conference conducted by the president of our firm DAVID MCALVANY on February 8 in Orlando, FL. The cost is $200, but if you call me at (866) 211-8986 and let me know you will be attending I will take care of the registration fee, so you can go for free. This is an incredible opportunity to get in-depth on the trends, events, and policies that will effect your retirement assets, but ALSO give you solid solutions to not just survive, but thrive during these uncertain times.

Marriott World Center
8701 World Center Drive
Orlando, FL 32821
February 8, 9am-12:30pm

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