Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Simple math | Conservative Byte

Simple math | Conservative Byte

Simple math

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12 Responses to Simple math

  1. Concerned Citizen says:

    Wake up America!!! We can’t be this dumb can we? Isn’t this a good reason NOT to vote for Romney in South Carolina or anywhere else? Do we want more oppression, corruption and destruction of our liberties and economy by Obozo and end up in a depression? Vote for Ron Paul or someone else. It’s far better than Romney. A vote for Romney and/or Obozo will bring up the suicide rate. It seems we are committing political, economical and moral suicide at this time. See website: http://www.haasstrep68.com

    • No Americans (most Americans) are not dumb. Mabey naive & gullable. Taking things at face value. I dont care munch for Romney either. But hes better than comrade Obama. I liked/like Herman Cain. Look what the liberals did to him.

      • mike says:

        Naive and gullable enough to vote for Obama. That is the proof that many Americans are stupid.
        Until Americans learn to think and evaluate politicians, not for what they say but by what they have done in the past it will not get better.
        Barack is a mystery, where is one person from his past. No one remembers him from school. He has no former girlfriends. His mama was never in the Hawian hospital which he claims to be his birthplace. Why does he have so many social security numbers?
        He has his past records sealed for a reason. He is a fraud and has a fabricated past.
        Who does Barack now identify himself with. Everyone of his comrads are thugs and criminals. There is not one decent American with whom Obamahas an association. No, not one!
        Really America, look at what he has done and not done in his first term. He told many lies and said what people wanted to hear to become president. He has no moral character wharsoever.

    • Nancy says:

      If Americans vote Obama back in (or allow him to get back in by NOT voting against him), then I will say that yes, they are pretty dumb. But I disagree with the cartoon. I’m not a Romney supporter, and I have a much better candidate in mind, and while Romney may or may not be the most liberal of the Republicans up for election, he still has a long way to go before he falls to Obama’s level.

  2. Greg137 says:

    Newt and Perry came out to attack Romney from LEFT field!!! They are trying to make Romney look like a conservative! Newt and Perry need to resign! Before they get Romney elected! RINO Romney is a Democrat in Republican clothing, and we don’t need him in our party!

  3. Irishmist1000 says:

    Just another obumer. When will this country quit throwing out the good and accepting the garbage?

    • Brenda in VA says:

      Case in point VA, Mar 6 State Prez Primary vote, Choices: Romney or Paul!
      WHY didnt the otheres do THEIR homework & get signatures?
      Just 400 ea in each of our 11 voting districts Time from July1 ~ Dec 19 ’11
      IS THIS RIGGED! ? !

      • Mary says:

        They didn’t care enough about VA. Serves them right!

      • politicstick says:

        Maybe for the same reason Obama didn’t get the required signatures in Indiana to be put on the National Presidential ballot in that state in 2008.
        Everyone just overlooked that and let a violation of election law go by without scrutiny. Without the votes acquired in Indiana in 2008, Obamawould have lost to McCain. Without the “illegal” votes being counted in Minnesota’s Senatorial election, Al Franken would not have been elected. How’s that for comedy?
        The last election was a hoax and so will this one be. The liberals want a revolution? LET’S GIVE THEM ONE!!!!

        Oh, …..and Romney is NOT the answer, but IS better than Obama. IMHO, Santorum would be my choice, but is not strong enough to win and would be overwhelmed in a national election. Perry? No thanks, I would prefer a NON alcoholic as my President. Paul? Better in the Secretary of the Treasury position. Newt? In my opinion, the best chance we have. Baggage? whatever! weak on guns, but we can keep him in line on that front. NWO and Agenda 21? weak, but we can also keep him in line on those, if we press for it.
        NEWT 2012!!!

  4. Jim says:

    Romney looks to be another “Put UP Job ” just like McCain was. Bought and paid for by the dumbocrats ! Wake up America ! Romney is another good ol’ boy business as usual stooge who will prove to be another turn coat. I guess no one learned their lesson from the mid term elections !

  5. Gary says:

    The cartoon is offensive. Most of you are saying a person can’t change and that’s dumber than a post and will end up putting Obummer back in office. If that happens, we only have ourselves to blame.

  6. Linda in Seattle says:

    Romney isn’t my first choice either. But if the Republican Party puts Mickey Mouse up as its nominee, I’ll be the first to vote for him. This election is going to be all about votingObama out of office! It has nothing to do with the Republican candidate.

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