Sunday, January 27, 2013

TULSA: Islamists and Communists force bank to scrap it’s ‘NO HEADBAG’ rule for Muslim customers - Constitutional Emergency

TULSA: Islamists and Communists force bank to scrap it’s ‘NO HEADBAG’ rule for Muslim customers - Constitutional Emergency

TULSA: Islamists and Communists force bank to scrap it’s ‘NO HEADBAG’ rule for Muslim customers

CAIR and ACLU together working political jihad....just hang on, when they get more in numbers, they will perform physical's their pattern throughout their history and dhmmis ensure it every time since the 600s. Face it folks, we live among willful puppet idiots who sit on their self erected self righteous pedestals who parrot anything the enemies of the U.S. put out for them to spew. Professional Victimhood is alive and well!

burka_bank_robber-vi1The Oklahoma chapter of the Council on Anti-American Islamic Relations (CAIR-OK) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oklahoma on Thursday expressed appreciation to the Oklahoma Bankers Association for ‘clarifying’ a security policy commonly referred to “no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses” used by many of the state’s banks.

Unknown(Gee, they are going to soften their rules on Muslim headgear, just when burqas and niqabs are becoming bank robbers’ favorite disguise) Tulsa World The two groups along with the Oklahoma Conference of Churches recently requested a meeting with the OBA following an incident in which a Muslim woman was initially denied access to a branch of Valley National Bank in Tulsa and asked to remove her religious head scarf, or hijab, before entering. The bank cited the “no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses” policy to justify its actions.


“Our goal in meeting with the OBA was to use this unfortunate incident as a teaching moment about the different types of head coverings worn by Muslim women and by individuals of other faiths,” said CAIR-OK Executive Director Adam Soltani, in a written statement.

Elaine Dodd, the vice president of the OBA’s fraud division, noted that the “no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses” program hasn’t changed, but…….”If someone is wearing a burqa, which does cover most everything, then a female bank employee can go with them and have them raise the veil,” Dodd said. “We want to be inclusive to all customers. It’s just that it’s a learning curve for all of us, and we appreciate them talking to us about it.”


The OBA published two articles in its January 2013 trade publication, Oklahoma Banker, revisiting the “no hats, no hoods, no sunglasses” initiative and offering suggestions on how member banks could respect the religious requirements of customers without sacrificing security.


In one article, Mary Beth Guard, with the OBA compliance team, explains the difference among head coverings – the hijab, niqab and burqa – worn by Muslim women. The hijab covers all or part of the hair and is draped around the neck. ”It should not interfere with your ability to match the person to a photo I.D. and there should be no reason to ask the customer to remove it,” the article says.

Burka ID

The niqab covers the face but leaves a narrow opening for the eyes, the article states.  ”In connection with opening an account or doing some other transaction where you need to ascertain identity, a female bank employee should ask that the Niqab be lifted in order to allow viewing of the face,” the article says. “This should be done as discreetly as possible and it should be done in an area where the viewing of the face will not be witnessed by males (unless they are related to the individual).”





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Replies to This Discussion

cool, anyone know where i can get a berka? i need a new drivers
what next from the muslums no pork, no liquor, smokes! I can beat the wife ,cut of her head if she talks to anyone male other than me. Maker her pull the plow.. with the berka you can hide your bruises..
Gee, maybe we should think this thing over.. How about you women ? Think this is a good idea?
Right! just kidding ladies. we love your tenacity and grit..:)
Don't bank at any bank that honors this headbag.
Debrajoe has the simplest answer.  Let the bank know you are withdrawing your account and going to bank that has not surrendered to these foreign invaders.
Glory be to JESUS! Praise be to Almighty God! Do I live in OKLAHOMA or do I live in the middle east? Time to wake up OKLAHOMA and take back what belongs to us! Forgive us LORD! If I ask someone for an ID and the woman's face was covered I wouldn't take it because I couldn't say who was behind the veil. Got to wake up!
F**k them!
If you haven't figured out what this is all about yet, you have a BIG SURPRISE coming!
If it was my bank I would say "these are my security rules. If you can not abide by them you are welcome to take your business elsewhere".
Like maybe some Muslim country where you came from.
Ken, in total agreement with your statement.  Especially the first part.
pure insanity!
f'ing ridiculous.
Everyone normal needs to take their accts out of all banks which allow muslim head/face cover. Let the crooks rob them.
Right on.  Make sure the banks know why you are leaving them.
Screw there social rag head crap, u come to America to simulate not tell us what you will and won't do!!!!! If you want to were that crap, go back to the S it hole you came from!!!!  I appaloud any bank or banks that stand up to that rule, no hate, shades or rags on your head rule, if we don't it will make it easier for the dumb ass bank robbers!!!!

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