Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Donald Kaul says We'll 'pry guns from cold, dead fingers' - Constitutional Emergency

Donald Kaul says We'll 'pry guns from cold, dead fingers' - Constitutional Emergency

Know thine enemy! (photo of Donald Kaul)    Seems to me this is the type we should be arming against! His anger is without question over the top, and he's a columnist???
This from WND by Drew Zahn;
DES MOINES, Iowa – For 50 years, the left-leaning columnist Donald Kaul has raged against guns, but after the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, he says, it’s time for “anger,” killing gun owners and dragging legislators who disagree with gun control behind pickup trucks until they get the message.
The Pulitzer Prize-nominated columnist penned an alarming screed published in the Des Moines Register in which he further suggested the Second Amendment be repealed and the National Rifle Association be declared a terrorist organization.
“During my 50-year career,” Kaul wrote, “every time some demented soul would take a semiautomatic gun and clean out a post office, a school or a picnic, I’d get up on my soap box and let loose with a withering diatribe about guns, the National Rifle Association and weak-kneed politicians. Did it about 75 times, give or take.”
Yet each time, he lamented, the only result was a spike in gun sales.
“That’s obscene,” he opined. “Here, then, is my ‘madder-than-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore’ program for ending gun violence in America.”
His first step: “Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. … Surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.”
Second: “Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. … Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that ‘prying the guns from their cold, dead hands’ thing works for me.”
Third: “Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.”
“And if that didn’t work,” Kaul concludes, “I’d adopt radical measures.”
Kaul explains his dramatic measures this way: “The thing missing from the debate so far is anger – anger that we live in a society where something like the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre can happen and our main concern is not offending the NRA’s sensibilities.”
It would appear Kaul has supplied his missing ingredient.
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Replies to This Discussion

Time to water the tree of liberty! It's coming! Are you ready? Also do not doubt they have guns and explosives.......they just don't want US to have firearms!
Been ready, willing and able for over 4 years now! The 'trigger' is imminent!
Why have we not deported this traitor? Oh, he was born here? Then deport him to DETROIT!
Wounded Warrior CEO is a supporter of "Anti-Gun Rights".
Nuff said! I call on every one of our wounded warriors to refuse any help from WWP, and instead seek out others such as the VFW, PVA, DAV and VDA! There's lots of help out there, they just need to ask for it!
In so doing, maybe WWP will get the message, or shut its doors!
So that ya know, it's not true....completely check things out before ya spread it around.
Seems to me that the commie/nazis are coming out of the woodwork today. Next they're going to want to outlaw baseball bats since the person behind them can maim or kill people as well.
Haven't you heard yet....'rev' Al Sharpton has proposed banning knives! That'll sure stop any school massacres won't it??!!
Al probably is just trying to keep his fellow churchgoers from carving each other up, Sting.
I'll be happy to give this nut job my address if he would like to begin his "journey" with me!  He can "come take my guns".
Then you could show him what gun control really is. Just the way he talks about guns we know he voted for obama but if he wants to come to my house I'll give mine too, but if he does he better come armed. Protect the Constitution from idiots like Kaul.
We need to FLOOD the newspaper with calls demanding he be fired. Can you imagine if a conservative called for this kind of violence against say, planned parenthood or any other libtard cause??

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