Wednesday, January 2, 2013

And so the GOP has let the left have their way, again! - Constitutional Emergency

And so the GOP has let the left have their way, again! - Constitutional Emergency

This just released from;
The House has passed a bill to avert the fiscal cliff, 257-167, sending the bill to President Barack Obama and ending a dramatic New Year's Day showdown over income taxes and deep federal spending cuts. The bill -- which would allow tax rates on upper income Americans to jump, makes permanent middle class tax cuts, extends unemployment benefits and overhauls a variety of other tax and spending measures -- passed the Senate early in the morning on New Year's Day on an 89-8 vote. For more information...
And then this;
President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he hoped the fiscal cliff agreement he plans to sign will be part of an eventual larger agreement on new revenue and budget cuts.

"We all recognize that this law is just one step in the broader effort to strengthen our economy and broaden opportunity for everybody," Obama said late Tuesday at the White House. "Unfortunately, there just wasn't enough support for that kind of large agreement in a lame duck session of Congress."

However, he warned Congress that there could be "catastrophic" consequences for the global economy if there was not an agreement reached on the debt ceiling.

"While I will negotiate over many things, I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether they should pay the bills for what they've racked up," Obama said. "We can't not pay bills that we've already incurred."

The president will return to Hawaii to join his family on vacation Tuesday night, the White House announced.
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I am amazed anyone thought the GOP would do anything different.
Saw that coming as soon as it was announced that 'boner' would lead. Never have seen anyone so erect, yet so limp!
Saw that, too ... knew it right away that it is more of same ... same is true for Cantor, Ryan, and others if they ever become the next Speaker ... I'd say replace Booher with Rand Paul!
In 1948, when NOT running for the presidency for the first time twenty four (24) years, Norman Mattoon Thomas, a member of the Socialist Party said; "The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Democrats have accepted some ideas of Socialism cheerfully, while Republicans have accepted them reluctantly."  Well it's time to recognize that fact and start recalling politicians!  FORCE them to be accountable for their actions.  Impeaching barry soetoro, aka barack hussein obama, ii won't do any good because the Senate is currently controlled by the democrats.  However, if voters start removing Senators and Representatives from office then impeaching won't be necessary.
If Boner stays as speaker, the house will go democrat in 2 years and then we will live in a soviet style state. If you think things are bad now see what happens if they have all 3 branches of government. Boner must go !
191 House of Representatives stood up against the sham. WE need to be taking names and purging Congress of all the darned traitors and registered Socialists. Why isn't being a bona fide Socialist not treason??????? If we started prosecuting some of the underlings maybe the bigger rats will start getting scared, too and possibly jump ship. Let's offer a one way ticket to Russia in lieu of their US Taxpayer supported retirement since they are so in love with socialism.
I think the worst was leaving Hurricane Sandy victims twisting in the wind while Obama's vacation costs 7 million...since he had to run home to have a cheer leading Marxofacist session for the cameras... comes the debt ceiling and the sequestration...our military will be 'gutted'...and we...we're europeamericans...
I agree with you totally.  On the Hurricane Sandy victims bill - it is full of pork and that is why it isn't worth doing anything with.  Blame all politicians for this not just the GOP although they aren't better than the rest.
I was absolutely horrified to see Paul Ryan actually vote for this abomination bill.  Start flooding your politicians' mail boxes with demands of no increase on the debt ceiling now.  Other than a revolution, I don't know how to stop this nightmare. 
Calling and emailing legislators in DC will NOT stop this nightmare! We have over 4 years of examples to prove what I just said is correct! I suggest we use our little time left wisely!
Agreed ... I truly feel that we do need to loudly protest and confront them constantly ... shout down his words at the time of oaths making it clear he does NOT have and is NOT deserving of any respect ... constantly confront and document things turning those against them ... just do it LOUDLY ... no more of politically correct stuff!
It may break them down as then they can't do things in dark. It got Boehner.
"Use our little time left wisely" ... like how?
Protesting was also done for over 4 years with no accomplishments to speak of.
I posted an action item today for one. The other is to prepare in your home, community and states. That all has been spoken of on here many times.

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