Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year? NO - Constitutional Emergency

Happy New Year? NO - Constitutional Emergency

I hate waking up in a marxists dictatorship ran country. I don't know how to live with this and I damn sure don't want to.
  • I love liberty!
  • I love my fellow statesmen/women who love to live as free men and women.
  • I love natural law and not man made law.
  • I love our Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution.
  • I love the children in my family and hate that the government is raising them instead of their parents, who were also raised by the government (schools).
  • I love my greatest treasured liberty: Freedom of conscious
I don't love cowards who will not stand openly and boldly in honor and integrity with a straight back against those who are working hard to destroy our once blessed republic.
Happy New Year? I'm trying but it really sucks waking up seeing all I love being riped from me/us.
Twana Blevins
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Last night, as we watched the ball drop on TV, I said to my husband "This is the first time I have dreaded welcoming the New Year" 
I agree with you.
I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic in 1969.  No one has ever told me that I was relieved of that oath, so I am honer bound to that oath.
Ditto here. There is no expiration date.
Semper Fi
Ditto my friend, I too am honor bound to protect and uphold that oath.
I am waiting for all this to come to a head. I can't believe this sort of governance in the United Stattes of America will be allowed to stand unchallenged.
I took an oath 60 years ago when I pledged allegiance to the Flag and by God's help I will continue to do so and to teach all of the folks in my church to Love God, Family and Country at all cost!
We have politcal amnesia,we keep voting in the same people hoping for a different result. I for one cannot understand how this is possible. The main stream media will be the death of this country along with the our school system.We are a dumb down society with our hands out for more of what ever the Feds will put in it. As long as there are more takers then givers we will live as slaves.
Personally, it has occurred  to me that one of the reasons our current military is scattered all over the globe is to keep them from being home to actually see what is happening here. I have to believe that the biggest percentage of them would NOT approve.
I'm with ya. So what's the plan?
The plan I think that will be best for us is for Veterans to take the lead in their communities/counties and districts. Pick a few among you in your communities to lead. You are the ones with the training that will restore our Constitutional Republic. I and so many others so bad want you all to step up and take the lead and us follow your lead. I know there are many so called conservatives who don't and won't follow anyones lead and are back room back bitters all cause they want to be number one even though it leaves them in a undefendable group of 1 or very few. But those folks we can vet out. I also want you all to help me vet out those cowards and agent confusers.
I also know there will be some run in here and chide anyone for saying anything.........to those I say go cower in another group. Cowards are not wanted nor helpful. I know there are things we should not and cannot talk about online, and that is why we must do face to face meetings.
Let me know if you, Liberty loving - Constitutional Defending Veterans want me to add County pages in your state groups. I've recently done this in two other state groups.
Mark I think we should have a blog talk radio conference so we can talk about this. I just typed out a long plan I came up with and as I posted it only the top line posted and the rest was lost! That really sucked!
Ok that posted so I'm gonna attempt to post a thought or plan I'm thinking about.
You Veterans take the lead. We as conservative civilians learn how to follow a leader. In each state group, I can make county pages, that way you Veterans can see who is among you that can be an asset or needs to be vetted out.
You Veterans can train us in skills needed whether it be defense/offense physical training. Survival skills, medical skills, logistics skills, etc. There will be so needed hands in many different works. You Veterans are trained in this thinking and have the skills to teach us and make us a group of folks who will achieve success. We know it will not be an easy work, but, some of us are willing to do these works and have your backs any and every way we can. 

I'm sure you Veterans minds can brainstorm alot better on these things than mine.......but I'm willing to follow your lead.
Thank You, Twana. Perhaps your voice will reach the ears that mine could not.

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