Thursday, December 27, 2012

Outraged Father of Marine Speaks Out! - Constitutional Emergency

Outraged Father of Marine Speaks Out! - Constitutional Emergency

I received an email recently from an enraged father of a soon to be deployed Marine.  He was upset by Obama's speech at Sandy Hook. I didn't and just couldn't watch the latest narcissistic performance by the Campaigner-in-Chief who runs to photo ops with our Troops and then abandons them. I  just couldn't stomach him exploiting the deaths of little children to further more of his destructive agenda.  
I was deeply troubled by this Father's email that I had to remain silent for awhile. My civility has returned and I apologize to this father for my delay in addressing his request.    
Below are excerpts of that email from the Father.  Unlike our current Commander-in-Chief, I am fiercely protective of our Troops and divulging all of his email might endanger his Son:  
" The other night I watched and listened to this poor excuse for a President. During his speech he mentioned that he has had to address these horrible attacks 4 times since he has been President and then he named the 4. What he left out was one of the worst mass killings in our history that occurred during his presidency. The killings at Fort Hood!!!!! 
I was on the road all day yesterday traveling on business. I turned my satellite radio station from channel to channel. Not one single news media outlet mentioned Fort Hood. Why?  I believe I know why, because he is a Muslim. What was his reasoning for killing 13 people and wounding 35 others? Islam was his reason."
"The families of the Fort Hood killer don't even get death benefits or the wounded a purple heart because this Traitor-in-Chief had it called Work Place Violence."


"Beverly, I don't write the wonderful way that you do that gets the point across. I make "All" of the phone calls you ask me to. Can you put out something that asks the media why they ignore the mass killing that took place against our heroes? Why the President ignored what happened to them during his speech on Sunday? Why they have been left out?"

This Marine Father's words are heartbreaking and it severely pains me to hear how much Obama and his reckless cronies are hurting our Troops and their families.  

What happened at Ft Hood tears at the heart of any American who loves our Troops and loves this country.  The slaughter of our Soldiers on American soil, on their base, was one of the most horrific tragedies in the history of this country.  The fact that this President, the Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces, ignores this slaughter of our Troops is despicable, deplorable and gut wrenching, especially for the brave men and women who he commands, and their families! This Father's Son is about to deploy and his Son will be risking his life under the appease and apologize policies of this reckless Commander-in-Chief.  The COIN strategy, written by the shamed General Petraeus, is a failed policy that has resulted in the maiming, killing and incarceration of our Sons!  As I have stated countless times, this President and this reckless COIN policy affords all the advantages to this enemy on the battlefield.  
Our Sons were gunned down at Ft Hood on November 5, 2009.  The shooter, Major Hasan, yelled "Allahu Akbar" before killing 13 American Sons and wounding others.  Since that horrific day, this jihadist continues to receive Army pay! Further, he has thrown tantrums demanding to wear his jihadist beard, resulting in the postponement of his day of judgment, and finally appeasement!  And what does the "Traitor-in-Chief" have to say about all this!  Nothing, except to refuse to call this the terrorist attack it was. This was "workplace violence" according to the him. That is a punch in the gut and a slap in the face to our Troops and those of us who love and revere them.         

This Marine father is outraged and his fury is more aimed at the media, and rightfully so.  Where have they been?  Following this reckless President wherever he points them, that is where they have been!  Look, I'm over here, the narcissist President says, and they all run and follow his lead.  He never talks about the deaths of our troops or the bombings in Afghanistan, no way, we can't have that, the media will report it so don't mention those brave Warriors fighting and dying in Afghanistan!  Keep that lapdog media distracted, and they are so easily distracted! 

This Marine father is right to be outraged at this reckless and dangerous President and he is right to express outrage at the media! There is one great man who lived among us for a short time and who summed up really well what was happening to our Troops.

That man was Andrew Breitbart.  He was bold and brave and NOBODY led him around, ever!  He loved our Troops and he told their stories.  I have often shared the post card Andrew wrote to our Troops back in 2009.  As a matter of fact, when I attended Andrew's funeral, I gave a copy of this post card to several of his friends and colleagues at  It was my hope Andrew's words to our Troops would be posted in a prominent place on HIS website. His words were a message of love and admiration to our Troops, and his message to the media was profound and so true!       

You can find the words to that post card on the Band of Mothers website and it is my hope those of you on this email string will forward Andrew's words to any and all service members you know. Please post it on your websites so that our Troops see it and know there are those of us who feel they have, in Andrew's words "exhibited heroism".   

Andrew apologized for the "putrid behavior of the mainstream media" and, to this Marine father, his Son, and to all our Troops,  I too apologize. 

Andrew's Post Card To Our Troops (2009):

"Dear Soldier, 
I apologize from the bottom of my heart for the putrid behavior of the American media.  You have exhibited heroism and they took the lowest road.  I have committed all of my resources to undo that wrong.  And the mainstream media and Hollywood will have been exposed as the traitors they are."

Andrew Breitbart  

With A Mother's Heart, I am so very very sorry, 

Beverly Perlson
The Band of Mothers
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Replies to This Discussion

I do my best to keep the young people that I know from going into the military and The people that I do know that are in, I try to talk them out of re-upping.
It is so difficult to see the country I love, believed in, served, and fought for during my career now flip flopping to endorse all that I believe to be wrong.  My sorrow is great as I witness the betrayal of our leaders who play politics with Amerian lives and treat it as business as usual along with a media that is rotten to the core.  We have no accountability in our government, no truth in our media, and no responsibility anymore at the highest levels; only leaders without courage, backbones, or morals, all of whom trive on deciet, lies, and cover-up after cover-up.  Mark my words America - YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED.  The Fort Hood cover-up is one of the most disgraceful events of our time.  Like Bengahzi, it had to be covered up in their mind to keep the dreamers dream alive least he lose face and his mice stop following him.  May God help us!
My Nephew just got out of the Navy.  I am so glad he is home.
I pray this thing called a president, rots.  Hope that is not against the rules, what I said was the lesser
of what I wanted to say.
Obama wouldn't have been barred from the post by the constitution if usurpation of the executive was harmless or survivable. Yes it is the fault of the media but it is the media that was taken over by the critics of the constitution not the critics of the government's actions as you are led to believe. In Elana Kagan's thesis she described the method of overthrow to a tee. Get control of the unions, collect dues, buy media time, elect to every post a fellow traveler.
We are facing the enemy within the gates and nothing will stop it under civil law. Breaching the Constitution has no civil penalty. Do you know why? Because no man can be trusted to judge those who shred it. When an oath is sworn it is not sworn to another man entrusted with the forfeiture of life on determining treason to that oath. 
Andrew Breitbart died for his convictions. As sure as I know our brave young men were murdered in Ft. Hood by that Islamic maniac, I believe Andrew was murdered by someone on the Left close to the top. It's tome to honor these brave souls by displaying bumper stickers that say, "Remember Ft. Hood"

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