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On The Declaration & Our Duty To Resist Tyranny 1

  • On The Declaration & Our Duty To Resist Tyranny 1
    Posted by Ann Barnhardt - July 2, AD 2011 9:13 PM MST
    This weekend we celebrate the Declaration of Independence, and never before in this nation’s 235 year-long history has the Declaration and the concepts codified therein been as important, urgent and thoroughly modern as they are today. Our government has been usurped by non-state, non-uniformed belligerents, namely Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) and the regime behind him. The Obama regime deems itself to be the source of Law and Rights, submitting itself neither to federal law, the Constitution or God.

    The Obama regime continues to illegally impose “laws”, edicts and executive fiats that are in direct violation of the Constitution and of fundamental human rights, and they have declared their intention to impose more of these intrinsically invalid laws, such as disarmament laws. And it isn’t just the Obama regime. These sorts of tyrannical “laws” are being passed all throughout the land. Valedictorians are forbidden from praying or mentioning God in their speeches. A National Cemetery has forbidden the utterance of the word “God” during FUNERALS. The good people of Chicago are forbidden from arming and protecting themselves and their families. A police chief has been fired for refusing to attend a musloid “worship service”. A bank is forced by regulators to remove all Christmas decorations. The federal government through “Obamacare” intends to tax human beings on their EXISTENCE by demanding that they either buy a specific service commodity or pay a penalty tax.

    I don’t marvel at the actions of these Marxist usurpers. They are entirely predictable. What I marvel at is the unending parade of Americans who simply roll over and comply with these violations of their human rights. People, you don’t have to comply with laws that are intrinsically in violation of your human rights. I don’t care what the superintendant says, if you want to give glory to God and witness to His love and His centrality in your life in your graduation speech, then Kid, YOU DO IT. And if they cut your mike, well then you just SHOUT IT AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS. Make them physically drag you off the stage if that is what they want to do, and then put it on YouTube. If you want your Dad to have a Christian burial at the National Cemetery, then YOU DO IT. Make them arrest you, your family and the clergyman for daring to utter the word, “God”. If the bank regulators threaten to close your bank if you don’t take down the Christmas decorations, then you grab a video camera, call the local newspaper and stand outside the front door of the bank and declare before God and everyone (via YouTube) that the only way the Christmas decorations come down is if the regulators seize and confiscate the bank.

    The point Jefferson is making in the opening of the Declaration is not only that moral people are not obliged to follow unjust laws that violate their human dignity and God-given freedoms, but that they SHOULD NOT comply with unjust laws. Here is the key sentence:

    “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    Do you hear that? It is our DUTY to resist and throw off tyranny. Why? Because to permit or cooperate with tyranny is to debase OURSELVES and our own human dignity, and thus by extension we also debase the humanity of our neighbor and our descendants. We are not animals. We are not objects. We are not economic units. We are HUMAN BEINGS, each and every one created specifically by God and endowed by God with the right to our life from the moment of our conception (and the right to protect our lives), the right to our liberty as sovereign individuals, the right to freely choose, think, speak and gather, and the right to own property and be secure in that property. Any so-called “law”, edict or fiat that infringes on these fundamental God-given rights is by its very nature invalid, and thus compliance is not only not required, but a crime against humanity itself.


    26 HRS

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