Monday, December 31, 2012

Congressional Black Caucus | Congressman Tom Tancredo

Congressional Black Caucus | Congressman Tom Tancredo

All posts in Congressional Black Caucus


General Walker introduces this video which was to be used by the U.S. Government to show the brutality of the Communists, but was never shown. This black and white video shows Russian film footage on Pavlov experiments with animals and humans.


Via: NewsWithViews.comBy J.B. Williams
Open Source = Communism
Open Source = Communism (Photo credit: DavidErickson)
Sadly, too many Americans don’t know what communism is, or they foolishly think that it died with the fall of the Soviet Union. Nothing could be further from the truth. Communism is alive and well, but it isn’t just in Russia or China anymore.
The 2012 election is not a referendum on Mitt Romney or Barack Obama. It is a referendum on American society. It is a contest between two opposite American Dreams and the outcome will tell us nothing about Romney and Obama, but everything about the American people.
It is a test of ALL Americans, those who vote and those who don’t bother, and those who think they can afford to play 3rd party games on the sidelines, even in the most important election in U.S. history.
Unfortunately, before we can answer the subject question, I will have to teach the definition of communism first. Baby-boomers were never taught not to destroy their own country by overloading productive members of society with the high cost of free-stuff for folks like the common Obama supporter. But they won’t be able to claim ignorance after reading this column.
“A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state; A system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state – dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.” – That’s the definition of communism according to
Let’s break that down a moment…
a system of social organization – as-in, social engineering via community organizing for benefit of social justice.
based on the holding of all property in common – as-in, you didn’t build that business, farm that land, earn that paycheck or save that money, etc. – nationalizing all primary productive industries.
actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state – as-in, our new 60% stake in General Motors, AGI, numerous banks, gas, oil, medical and insurance companies via so-called federal bailouts.
in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state – as-in, Obama and his many unelected and unaccountable Czars currently dictating business practices, profit margins and pay scales.
dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party – as-in, today’s Democrat Party, operating a dictatorship, bypassing the other two branches of “equal government” through the longest list of “executive orders” in U.S. history, self-perpetuated by the flow of massive funds from Democrat Party to labor unions to government employees, entertainers, sports figures, journalists and welfare recipients – back to labor unions who in turn fund the Democrat Party, or support is directly in the election booth. Government employees topping the list of Obama campaign donors, is as self-perpetuating as it can get.
So, now that I have covered the definition of communism for baby-boomers who thought Senator McCarthy was crazy, and tied communism directly to Democrat and Obama & Co., America’s first Communist Administration, let’s answer my original question.
When did communism replace freedom and liberty as the new American Dream?
The answer is – it was a slow incremental process — that some today call progress and it started a very long time ago, while nobody was paying any attention.
Lawyers and judges started trying to dismantle the U.S. Constitution before the ink was dry. So, freedom and liberty have been under assault from the very beginning in America, as a subtle corps of sappers and miners constantly worked underground to undermine our Constitution from a co-ordinate of a general and special government to a general supreme one alone. – Not my words, Thomas Jefferson’s.
Taft at launch of NEW YORK (LOC)
Taft at launch of NEW YORK (LOC) (Photo credit: The Library of Congress)
Politically, everything really started heading to hell in a hand basket under Taft and Wilson. 1913 was a really bad year… a hundred years ago by the next presidential inauguration, via unconstitutional amendments initiated by Republicans under Taft and ratified by Democrats under Wilson.
If you understand the modern face and democratic strategies of communism, then you can begin to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.
  • State representation ended in 1913 with the 17th Amendment, effectively ending states’ rights
  • Decentralized power ended in 1913 with the 16th Amendment, directly funding central power
  • Claims that the States lost their 10th Amendment rights in the Civil War began
  •  Revision of history was underway in academia, the media and the entertainment industry
  • Intellectuals began rewriting new definitions of ancient terminology
  • The promotion of free-stuff eclipsed the promotion of freedom
  • One Nation Under God was replaced with celebrating secularism and diversity
  • Real justice was replaced with social justice, defined and measured by men
  • Unalienable rights from our Creator were replaced with limited man-made rights
You get the point…
What we see happening today didn’t begin with the election of America’s first fraudulent Muslim Marxist in 2008. The truth is, global leftists didn’t believe they could leap to this final stage until 2016 and neither did anyone else. However, the American press and courts made it possible for them to push up their closing strategy by two full election cycles, using the race card to trick Americans into electing someone they knew absolutely nothing about and still know very little about four years later.
Senator McCarthy was right. There was a very strong communist movement operating out of California via the Communist Party USA, now headquartered in New York. There is a like-minded competitor organization, the Socialist Party USA (aka Democratic Socialists of America) also operating out of New York. The two share a common dream for America and that dream is entirely un-American.
These organizations knew that they had to change strategies to advance communism in the U.S.A. – so they changed strategies. Communist Party USA member and Michigan congressman John Conyers formed theCongressional Black Caucus, used to exploit the black population via racial divisions, for the sole purpose of advancing the Communist Party agenda.
The Socialist Party USA (DSAUSA) formed the Congressional Progressive Caucus via Socialist Party USA member Bernie Sanders, congressman from Vermont. Their strategy was to work like parasites from inside the American two-party system, rather than in direct competition with it. The goal was to seize control of one or both parties from inside. They now control the DNC and have moles inside the RNC as well.
For years, both parties tried to advance political candidates under their own banners, failing miserably in every effort. Until recent years, Americans wouldn’t knowingly vote for communists or socialists and third parties have never been able to compete with the two primary parties on the national stage.
Still, these organizations tried yet again under The New Party banner in the 90s, associated with the now infamous ACORN. The New Party is the banner under which Barack Hussein Obama first sought political office in Illinois.
Minutes of a meeting on January 11, 1996, of the New Party’s Chicago chapter read as follows:
“Barack Obama, candidate for State Senate in the 13th Legislative District, gave a statement to the membership and answered questions. He signed the New Party “Candidate Contract” and requested an endorsement from the New Party. He also joined the New Party.” – Another part of Obama communist history that Obama and his media minions want to keep quiet.
Failing on the 1996 New Party ticket in Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama later switched to the Democratic Party for his second Illinois Senate campaign in 2004 and he was elected to the Illinois Senate with the endorsement of hisNew Party (aka communist) friends.
He was immediately rushed to the top of the Democrat Party messiah list and introduced to the nation and the world as the new future of the Democrat Party during the John Kerry DNC Convention in 2004, stealing the stage from Kerry and becoming the man who would defeat Hillary Clinton and the famous Clinton War Machine, for the 2008 DNC Presidential nod.
Nobody knew anything about Obama then. Millions of Americans bought into his promises of “hope and change” without ever stopping to ask who this person was, where he came from, how he arose from total obscurity to international fame overnight with absolutely zero accomplishments on his résumé. Nobody even bothered to ask what kinds of “change” he had in store for America. It was the most amazing political scam I had ever witnessed, and I have witnessed many political scams, here and abroad.
The American people were dead asleep at the switch. All they had to know was what the leftist press told them — that if they didn’t vote for this person, Barack Hussein Obama, a chance to “make history,” they were “racists.” So, history was indeed made. The first communist president was elected to the people’s White House, by massive hook and crook.
Ask any American if they want to join you for a movie and they will immediately ask which movie? Ask them if they want to join you for dinner and they will ask where you plan to eat? Ask them if they are a sports fan and they will tell you that it depends upon which sport you are referring to… Ask them for a loan and they will ask how much, and when you can pay it back.
Americans are not stupid, but they are often deaf, dumb and blind. They see, hear and think, only what they want to…
But when the American people heard “change” from a person they knew nothing about, and had no reason at all to place their “hope” in, they didn’t ask any questions at all. How strange… the biggest question in their lives, with all the marbles on the table and their very existence hanging in the balance, no questions.
In 2012, we have a very different scenario, however.
After four years under a communist Obama dictatorship crippling our economy, igniting unrest all over the globe, destroying our Constitutional Republic, stampeding our freedoms and liberties into the ground along with our fundamental social fabric, Americans can now see who and what Barack Hussein Obama is… Beyond wearing a Soviet Uniform or Muslim towel to his future press conferences, there is little more he can do to prove who and what he really is.
Can Americans discern what they see and do they have the backbone to unselfishly do what must be done, all personal agendas aside?
Will Americans vote for Communism again? Will Americans fall for the same set of lies they fell for in 2008? Will Americans ignore the treachery of the last four years and place their hopes in someone they now know, isn’t who he says he is?
I’d like to believe not, but only time will tell.
People say they are not “excited about Mitt Romney.” Who cares? You are not supposed to get “excited” about politicians — Only Chris Matthews gets a “tingle up his leg” when comrades speak. Americans aren’t supposed to like or trust any politician. Americans are not supposed to revere or fear their government – “When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson
Surely, my fellow Americans understand that they have only ONE chance to remove a communist cabal from power peacefully. That chance is November 6, 2012… Who can afford to focus on anything else?
No true Patriot will be sitting out the election at home this time. No decent American will sit on the sidelines in some futile 3rd party fantasy or protest. There is simply too much at stake.
We currently have a known enemy of our nation residing in the people’s White House. The people didn’t have the good sense to stop it in 2008. The courts didn’t have the courage to stop it or rectify the disaster after the 2008 election. Congress hasn’t had the backbone to correct the fraud and hold all accountable, even after the 2010 cycle that swept so-called Tea Party candidates into political power. Not even state governments have the honor and courage to block a known fraud from appearing on the ballot again in 2012.
That means that righting the greatest wrong ever perpetrated in American politics is left to the American people alone. They will get ONE CHANCE to end this charade, peacefully, on November 6th. If they fail to end it peacefully, they will be left with only a Second Amendment solution. There is no other solution at that point.
My opinion is that, people who lack the decency and courage to right this wrong peacefully in the election booth, also lack the decency and courage to right this wrong via any other means, especially a Second Amendment method. If they sit out the election, they will sit out the battle in the streets too.
When did communism become an American Dream for some? A long time ago… When the American people allowed it.People, who lack the decency and courage to stand up, show up and fight in the election booth, won’t have anything it takes to stand up and fight in the streets either. Trust me on this! — Once a self-centered coward, always a self-centered coward.
When did the communist dream become acceptable to the rest of America? Only YOU can answer this one, on November 6th, 2012.
No American can afford to sit this one out or play childish games with fantasy candidates. — Removing this criminal communist cabal from power is the ONLY relevant issue of the 2012 election. Only a traitor, a coward or a fool would tell you any different!
© 2012 JB Williams – All Rights Reserved
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Shockingly, CBC Chairman Dem Rep. Alcee Hastings said “every member was offended.”
Via Mediaite:
Rep. Allen West reportedly offended the entire Congressional Black Caucus when he delivered a selection of Chick-fil-A chicken and biscuits to the members’ weekly meeting. CBC Chairman Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) told The Huffington Post that, despite the incident happening six months ago, it is still fresh in their minds and every member was offended.
Despite that this incident occurred months prior to the public dustup that followed Chick-fil-A’s CEO voicing his support for traditional marriage, Hastings told The Huffington Post that the members of the CBC were offended by West’s choosing that particular fast food chain to cater their meeting.
Hastings says that it is appropriate for each member of the CBC to buy lunch on a rotating basis for their weekly meeting, but West’s purchase was too “in your face” to be tolerable.
“He did it deliberately,” said Hastings, explaining that West was sending a not-so-subtle signal with his choice of fast food. Hastings also noted that he and West rarely interact and have a rocky relationship as vocal and partisan members of opposing parties in the House.
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(Politico) — Politicians recognize they give up a degree of privacy when they run for office.
But Democrats are testing the outer limits of that understanding with a practice that raises questions about when campaign tracking becomes something more like stalking.
While most serious campaigns on both sides use campaign trackers — staffers whose job is to record on video every public appearance and statement by an opponent — House Democrats are taking it to another level. They’re now recording video of the homes of GOP congressmen and candidates and posting the raw footage on the Internet for all to see.
That ratcheting up of the video surveillance game is unnerving Republicans who insist that even by political standards, it’s a gross invasion of privacy. Worse, they say, it creates a safety risk for members of Congress and their families at a time when they are already on edge after a deranged gunman shot former Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords 18 months ago.
Wisconsin GOP Rep. Reid Ribble, who said he’s also been followed by a cameraman when shopping for groceries, said the home videos cross a line.
“I feel it’s totally inappropriate,” said Ribble, a freshman facing a competitive race for reelection. “It was disturbing to me that they would put that online. I don’t understand any political benefit that can be achieved with that.”
In Ribble’s case, a clip of his northeastern Wisconsin home appeared online June 18. The soundless video — which lasts 38 seconds — is taken from a car sitting just outside the house. The shot pans across the large home, showing it from several different angles.
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Rep Andre' Carson
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Via: Accuracy in Media, By: Cliff Kincaid
 A top communist defector is warning of an unprecedented “alliance” between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, reflected in the CPUSA’s endorsement of Barack Obama for president in 2008 and the party’s continued support for Democratic Party policies. But is this warning going to be too hot to handle for the media? And the Republicans?Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc, says in an article for PJMedia that any doubt that the Democratic and the Communist parties had secretly joined forces was erased in 2009, “when Van Jones, part of a left fringe of declared communists, became the White House’s green jobs czar.”
Obama aide Valerie Jarrett had disclosed at a left-wing bloggers convention that “we,” apparently referring to herself and President Obama, had hired Jones for the job. However, Jones was fired when an outcry developed over his communist background, and the media quickly dropped any probes into Jones’ White House contacts.
Pacepa, who served as a top aide in the Romanian communist regime, tells Accuracy in Media, “The Democratic Party has become dangerously infected with the Marxism virus. I recognize the symptoms because I once lived through them, and I believe it is my obligation as an American citizen to help the conservative movement to prevent any further spread of Marxism in my adopted country.”
He adds that he is personally convinced that Obama is a Marxist.
His 1987 book, Red Horizons, exposed the nature of the Romanian Nicolae Ceausescu regime as well as “communist influence operations” directed against the U.S. and other Western nations. The contents of his book were broadcast into Romania on Radio Free Europe and credited with inspiring the counterrevolution that brought down the regime and the execution of Ceausescu.
Although he has written over the years for such publications as The Wall Street Journal, the American Spectator and National Review, his column in PJMedia represents the first time he has warned publicly that international Marxism has assumed a major influence over the Democratic Party. His second columnfor PJMedia examines appeasement policies by various Democratic administrations.
The issue of communist influence in the Democratic Party has already been on display this year, as blogger Jeremy Segal filmed Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis, an old ally of Barack Obama in the socialist New Party, accepting an award in Chicago from the CPUSA. I brought this to the attention of Steve Chapman, a “conservative” columnist for the Chicago Tribune, who had attacked Rep. Allen West as crazy for discussing communist infiltration of the Democratic Party. I provided Segal’s video of the awards ceremony to him directly and yet Chapman remains silent.
Columnist Wes Vernon commented, “Since Chicago is the neighborhood of Chapman’s newspaper, one would think he could easily access (right under his nose) the goings-on of a local congressman’s award possibly just a stroll down the street from the Tribune Building.”
Instead, Chapman has now written a column for the conservative website Townhall mocking conservatives who resist the encroachment of Islamic law, also known as Sharia, in the U.S. legal system. Chapman’s column ran under the headline, “The Bogus Threat from Shariah Law.”
When alleged “conservatives” like Chapman refuse to take the problems of communism and radical Islam seriously, you know the liberal media will resist covering these matters. And that is why Ion Mihai Pacepa’s warning, based on decades of experience in analyzing communist influence operations and infiltration of the West, will be deliberately ignored.
Some conservatives are so desperate for any coverage critical of Obama that they jumped on his gaffe that the private sector is “doing fine,” as if this will enlighten the American people about the real agenda of the President. Mitt Romney’s campaign was quick to produce a TV ad based on the gaffe, generating some media attention, but don’t count on the Republicans to exploit the comments of Ion Mihai Pacepa. The cries of “McCarthyism” would fill the air. All of this means that the GOP presidential campaign will avoid addressing his key charge that the U.S. has a Marxist president and that he is pursuing a socialist agenda.
The Republicans, some of whom were also behind John McCain’s lackluster 2008 campaign, recoil even when they are handed a campaign issue on a silver platter—such as Obama’s lying about his past association with and membership in the Marxist-led New Party in Chicago. They want to stay above the fray, even as the Obama campaign demonizes the word “capitalist” and insists nonsensically that creating government jobs is the proper way to help the private economy.
But Pacepa speaks out, saying that, in addition to the White House hiring Van Jones, he saw the Marxist agenda at work in the agenda of the White House and the Democrat-controlled Congress during Obama’s first two years, when they “began dutifully following in Marx’s footsteps by redistributing our country’s wealth and putting under government control a part of its health care, banking system, and automobile industry.” His observation is this regard is not unique, but Pacepa goes further, citing evidence of how planks in the Communist Manifesto parallel the Obama legislative agenda. Yet, Romney doesn’t want to call Obama a socialist because of what the liberal media will say about the charge.
“Marxism is a malignant tumor on the body of any country,” Pacepa writes, highlighting the stakes involved in the presidential campaign. “This is another thing I learned during my years at the top of Marxist Romania. Marxism, like any cancer, works silently—you can feel it only after it has spread throughout the whole body, and then it is usually too late.”
Internationally, the warning signs also get ignored. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which includes Russia and China, just completed a major conference in Beijing and issued a statement denouncing plans for a U.S. missile defense and proposed military action against the regimes in Damascus and Tehran. Obama seems prepared to accommodate our adversaries on all fronts, although he has told the Russians that he can’t go all-out on their behalf until after he is re-elected.
The final statement from the SCO conference honors the United Nations Charter “as well as the basic norms governing international relations”—remarks that could have come from Obama’s State Department or Obama himself.
The SCO campaign to block Western attempts to undermine the Iranian and Syrian regimes represents what the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin calls a “world geopolitical swing,” as the United States fades in influence under Obama. Yet, the media talk about an Obama “gaffe” and conservatives wonder if Romney can reduce the gender gap.
The issues are big and stark, and Pacepa knows it. He cites evidence for his charges about an alliance between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party USA in the statements of Joelle Fishman, a political operative in the CPUSA based in Connecticut. This writer interviewed Fishman, who runs the CPUSA Political Action Commission, at last year’s Take Back the American Dream Conference in Washington D.C., featuring Van Jones. She is a strong supporter of Barack Obama and personally campaigned for him.
On Monday, June 18, in Washington, D.C., Van Jones will be speaking at the next Campaign for America’s Future conference on a panel that includes MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry. The topic: “Winning in November—So We Can Win in December and Beyond.” No surprise here. MSNBC is at the service of the Obama Administration and doesn’t hold back at all, even making its TV stars available for partisan conferences.
What is interesting about Fishman, the communist daughter-in-law of Soviet spy Victor Perlo, is that she works with “progressive” Democrats and has a very close personal relationship with high ranking Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus who serves in the Democratic leadership as co-chair of the Steering and Policy Committee. A photo dubbed “The Kiss” shows DeLauro embracing Fishman.
Fishman and DeLauro appeared together on the host committee letterhead for a birthday celebration in honor of long-time CPUSA official Alfred L. Marder. DeLauro used the Congressional Record on March 20, 2012, to praise Marder, whose “New Haven Peoples Center” recently tried to obtain $300,000 in state money. Zachary Janowski, an investigative reporter for the Yankee Institute, covered this controversy in detail on his “Raising Hale” blog and was instrumental in creating public pressure against the grant.
DeLauro described Marder as “an institution in our community” and “perhaps best known for his work to promote peace, social justice, worker’s rights and equality.” DeLauro added, “His commitment to these issues is unwavering—regardless of controversy, he always stands firm in his fight to protect human rights.”
“During the McCarthy era,” DeLauro went on to say, “Al was one of those singled out for proudly sharing his thoughts and ideas. Standing firm in his support of civil liberties and the right of every American to freely express themselves, Al discovered his passion for civil and workers rights—two issues to which he has dedicated a lifetime of advocacy.”
In addition to being active for decades in the CPUSA, Marder was president of the U.S. Peace Council and a member and official of the World Peace Council, both of them international communist front organizations. DeLauro, of course, didn’t mention that.
The good news is that citizens of Connecticut are waking up. Veterans and local political leaders protested against the proposed state grant money for the communist headquarters. They got the money withdrawn. But the communists will be back. They never give up.
But while the state money has been withdrawn, at least temporarily, Zachary Janowski reports that the Board of Aldermen of New Haven, Connecticut, voted to allocate $25,000 in federal funds to the facility. The $25,000 in federal funds is from a Community Development Block Grant, a program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. It is apparently part of the Obama “jobs” program.
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted
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The Congressional Black Caucus unavailable for comment.
(Toledo Blade) — It was six against one.
Six juveniles — the youngest 11, and the oldest 17 — nearly boxed in Dallas Watts, a 78-year-old man from East Toledo.
Mr. Watts was on his way home from the nearby Gas Express Mart at Starr Avenue and White Street about 4:45 p.m. Saturday when the boys approached him.
One pointed at Mr. Watts and said, “take him down,” the victim recounted in an interview Monday.
Mr. Watts, carrying home two small bags of pork rinds to dole out as treats to his three dachshunds, looked at the youth and said, “Why you picking on me?” Mr. Watts recalled. “Remember Trayvon. Why you picking on me?”
The boy, again, allegedly told his friends to “take him down.”
Toledo police charged two children — the 11-year-old and a 17-year-old — with robbery, Sgt. Roy Kennedy said.
The boys on Monday were ordered held in detention at the Lucas County Juvenile Justice Center, prosecutor Lori Olender said.
At one point, the victim recalled being lifted from the ground so one of the boys could “drop-kick” him in the chest.
One boy, he said, put his foot on the back of the victim’s neck, with another shouting, “Kill him.”
While Mr. Watts was down the boys kicked him, over and over, shouting, “[Get] that white [man]. This is for Trayvon. . . Trayvon lives, white [man]. Kill that white [man],” according to a police report.
“The only reason I mentioned Trayvon, that was my defense,” Mr. Watts said. “Don’t pick on me. I am not your enemy.”

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