Sunday, November 25, 2012

The corrupt government branches continue to prop up their criminals! - Cleared of Ethics Charges, Maxine Waters Ready to Write Bank Laws - Constitutional Emergency

The corrupt government branches continue to prop up their criminals! - Cleared of Ethics Charges, Maxine Waters Ready to Write Bank Laws - Constitutional Emergency

The corrupt government branches continue to prop up their criminals! - Cleared of Ethics Charges, Maxine Waters Ready to Write Bank Laws

The last time we met “This Old Socialist,” Congresswoman Maxine Waters, (D-Delusional), she was being probed for “ethics violations,” which is fed-speak for “things for which you and I go to jail, but which is legal for congress.”
Waters, then, was gamely trying to vie for a leadership position on the Financial Services Committee despite a dogged investigation regarding her finances and influence peddling that had dragged out for months. She was doing so in the wake of the announcement that the committee’s ranking Democrat, Barney Frank (D-Dope) (pun intended) was leaving congress to fulfill his lifelong dream of getting married to a surfer/marijuana dealer. Or was that a marijuana dealer/surfer?  
Anyway, Frank had already realized one dream when he covered the banking and financial industry with a fresh layer of federally-subsidized, regulatory dirt that we call the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (ha!), the newest regulatory scheme that has screwed up a good country.
But as Frank goes off to greener pastures, now imagine this: the Dodd-Frank and…Waters Wall Street Shakedown and Consumer Ruination Act.  
Because gone are the days when it seemed that either Waters would decline the position Frank was occupying (pun intended) as ranking member or face ethics charges stemming from, um, doing stuff that would ruin the rest of us.
Maxine will not now face any charges from any of the previous allegations that were being investigated by congress, to wit: Maxine apparently has paid family members close to $1 million from public or campaign funds since 2007, according to arecent report by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW). In 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2011 she was named to CREW’s Most Corrupt politician list.
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Melanin beats Teflon again!
God help us if criminal Maxine Waters writes anything.
She should be taken out and shot for all her crap on Freddie and Fanny Mac. She was one of the biggest obstructors during George Bush's era and now she is going to write the "Banking Laws" like Barney Franks and Dodge.... Come on, the corrupted writing for the Criminals..... There is just no justice for "WE THE PEOPLE". We get screwed again and again. Frankly, it is time all of these criminals be rounded up and get either the ropes going or initiate the firing squad. I would prefer the old fashion ropes myself.
God help us! Why isn't this woman in jail?

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