Wednesday, November 14, 2012

IS THIS REALLY WHO WE ARE? - Constitutional Emergency

IS THIS REALLY WHO WE ARE? - Constitutional Emergency

PERSONAL REFLECTIONS ON VETERANS  DAY 2012                                                                                                                                    
Subsequent to the 2012 Election, I as others, were dejected, angry, and immersed in self-denigration as to, ”Did I do enough personally to make a difference?” The pundits as usual peddled their wares of causation citing the usual Election abnormalities-VOTER FRAUD, DEMOGRAPHICS, TURNOUT, MEDIA COERCION, APATHY, and on and on. Of course these oft used terms and excuses have been consistent over time and applied to practically every Election in our lifetime and are of little consolation, when you’re on the losing side.  However, I couldn’t help thinking that somehow, this time around, losing meant something a lot different. Usually, after an Election you pick up your personal pieces of despair, the Donkey’s tail gets longer and the Elephant’s trunk gets shorter, you say hello and exchange small talk with your former politically opposed neighbor, and life goes on again, until the next time. That’s just how it is in America.                                                                                                           
CORRECTION  FOLKS!    That’s how it used to be in America.
As of November 6, 2012, the United States of America will NEVER be the same again. I suppose I could write chapter and verse as to the individual reasons for same, but you wouldn’t have enough time to read it,  as I wouldn’t to write it, based on the enormity of transgressions, deceit, and treason the present Administration has facilitated.  Even with the total collapse of the Main Stream Media to provide you with unbiased, objective fact finding, journalistic integrity, and a true accounting of what “ FREEDOM OF THE PRESS” is supposed to denote in the First Amendment, you somehow detected how the demise of this Country and its values was being orchestrated or at least fifty-nine million of you did.  We could spend the remainder of our days on earth debating the cause and effect, weighing each element with a coefficient of negativity, and then add up the winning score for the ultimate losing factor. Each of us will have our own opinion of the whys and the wherefores, based on our life experiences and outcomes.                                                                                                                                                             
I guess what it comes down to is, “WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT AND WHAT ISN’T” All of us will probably come to different conclusions. I would respectfully ask that you bear with mine and I would be delighted to hear from you on yours. Thankfully, Veterans Day 2012 rolled around and kind of broke the post-traumatic spell of the Election results. I sat down and was stunned to realize that some fifty-one years, four months, and seven days ago I had just been herded off a bus at Marine Corps. Recruit Base, Parris Island, S.C. by three of the meanest looking, hell raising. U.S. Marine Corps. Drill Instructors, ALIVE, AND IN THE FLESH.  I’m not quite sure whether it was the beginning of the end, or the end of a beginning. All I can tell you is that when you enter the Halls of Montezuma and the Shores of Tripoli, you undergo a change that no one has really been able to explain except that once you have entered, there is never the option of turning back and nothing on God’s green earth can change it.

 I won’t bore you with the travails of my Marine Corps. career except that I was Honorably discharged, did not have to stand before a Firing Squad, and I will always be eternally grateful for the opportunity. Having reflected somewhat on the old days in the Corps. on this Veterans Day, my thoughts turned to the dedicated, brave, young men of this country, who everyday fight for the principles and values they hold true and whose lives’ blood oftentimes runs out much too soon in their quest of honor,  just as those in the generations before them. For quite some time I had been storing the T.V. film, ‘TAKING CHANCE’ the story of a Marine Corps. Colonel requesting that he be allowed to escort the body of a young Marine PFC., who had died heroically in Iraq, back to his parents and home for final internment.  My hesitation to view this will not be a point for this discussion and I will leave it to those of you that did see it.  However, the bottom line is this.  How many thousands of lives like this young man have been lost, given, and sacrificed in our lifetime for the sake of Freedom. Surely, the causative factors behind the operations requiring these deaths may be socially debated, politically questioned, and be procrastinated about for centuries to come.  But you know what?  When you’re dead, you’re dead and all that counts, ”PERIOD” is what the individual most affected , thought he or she is dying for. You make your best guess as to what the majority of them thought in their last moment.  Now back to the present.                                                                                                                                        
We’ve seen this Election come and go just as we’ve seen the one before it. As previously mentioned, we’ve seen the darker side;  subjugation and distortion of pertinent and relevant facts to insulate and protect incumbents, misrepresentation of eligibility and non-recognition of aides such as authentic Voter I.D. to reduce the opportunity and submission of Illegal Votes, incidents of blatant Voter Fraud, etc.  But, these pale in comparison to the  phenomena, which reared its ugly head in the previous election, but the public was assured that preventative measures would be facilitated to prevent a re-occurrence.  Rather an escalation of the problem took place and those who stood to lose the most, their very lives in some cases, to ensure that we have the freedom and unrestricted ability to make our voices heard as United States Citizens. U.S. Military personnel were DENIED THE OPPORTUNITY in thousands of cases to exercise their RIGHT TO VOTE by the very people whom they defend. This is unacceptable, inexcusable, un-American and downright treasonous. If travesties such as this, continue to be allowed, we have indeed lost much more than an Election. WE HAVE LOST OUR COUNTRY. We have allowed a band of Social Progressives to dismantle in four short years, what took two hundred thirty-six years to create.

What is more abhorrent, however, is the lack of outrage on the part of our citizenry regarding this, just one of many events heralding our demise. I listen, but I hear nothing collectively on the part of our Elected Officials to articulate their outrage and defiance to this sacred obligation under our Constitution, not even from the candidates that lost. If nothing else, I would hope this communication would at least light the flame of rebuttal and recoil amongst some of you to stand up and fight for the very people ,who lay their life on the line, and fight for your right to Free Speech and the pursuit of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  If we, as Americans, cannot bring ourselves to do at least that, we are for practical purposes all ready dead as Patriots, and as an American People, who somehow have lost their way and no longer have the Spirit, Conviction, or Love of Country to carry on the Sacred Tradition as our Military Personnel do each and every day. If we cannot do that, what a sorry lot we have become as a Nation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SEMPER FI                                                                                                                                                                 
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Replies to This Discussion

Kevin - there is more outrage than you think. We just need to find a way to make it known and seen and find a method to expose all the Fraud.
This just came in with an email from WND.
Twana - YOU have gone above and beyond - I appreciate everything you have done and continue to do !
We may just turn this around yet - WND appears to have a voter fraud forum to report what has been seen at
It is clear to me that those of us that served and those of us still serving mean nothing to these people. We all were ready at one time or another to give our lives for our country with no regret.
Now our soldiers voted are lost or "accidentally" lost over board?? Our veterans rights are slowly eroded, soon they will most likely be gone.

I got over 50% for my retirement. I served 24 years. It's nothing compared to a politician Congressman/Senator who serves only a couple years and rates 100% retirement. These same people who, mostly NEVER served in the Armed Forces. Now they are stripping away our medical for retirees. When I first enlisted long ago I was told we would get medical for life if we retired. Now we pay for it. And every year they strip more away from us.

Sorry for the rant.
Christopher Daly
Christopher-your rant is right at the heart of the whole thing, you guys serve and are given promises by your country as to what those years of your life will be repaid with. The same ones who are changing votes and trying to keep our military votes from being counted, are also intentionally changing the promises made to the military.
I've watched Col West refusing to give up the fight for vote integrety and wondered why the rest of the candidates don't have the character to do the same. How can we think they'd make good leaders for our nation when they won't even stand up for making sure our election process is legal? Where are the true leaders? It seems they come from the retired military but most are not physically up to the challenge of running for the higher offices. May God have mercy on our nation. And now I hear they are considering j kerry for Sec of Defense, that's not only a slap in the face to every vet who's served honorably but a danger to those still serving. Please Lord, have mercy and deliver us.
Gov makes only pie crushed promise very easy made and just as easy  broken
Bruce is right, there is outrage but only one outlet and so far we've avoided it. In march the U.N. id going ahead with the Arms treaty and the U.S. is already on board. Senator Feinstein is drafting legislation to ban magazines with NO grandfather clause for existing owners and talk says it will ban assault style weapons. The "left" is already floating talk that these weapons don't belong in non- military hands. We are just beginning to see the republic be assaulted what has occurred so far is nothing compared to whats coming down the pike.
TWANA, As noted before you couldn't have said it better.    I do now ,and have in the past, state exactly what you addressed in the last paragraph of your post. The population (so called conservative portion of it ) have become self centered egotistical and spineless. They have forgotten just what it took to establish our once great country. We,as a nation, have discounted all that has made us great. RELIGION,CONSERVATIVE VALUES AND THE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT OUR FOUNDING FATHERS. We have stopped teaching our youth the Constitution and it's true ,not socialist, meaning. We have become complacent and passive.   We do no more than talk .   However, sooner or later,and the emphasis today must be on sooner, we must ,as our founding fathers did, fight.   We must pledge "OUR LIVES ,OUR FORTUNES AND OUR SACRED HONOR,so that our posterity will not have to suffer the fate that our lack of faithfulness to our Founding documents has brought us.
   I love our country and will do whatever is necessary to rescue it from the cretins that have apparently taken over. "WHATEVER IT TAKES"
Philip, I didn't write this column.....I just sent it out for Kevin Roy McGinty  who wrote it and posted it.
I want all the Military Votes counted
obozo and his band of thieves and thugs have been exposed.  But our gutless representatives do nothing.  Look at how we recycle the rinos and expect different results.  Amazingly insane.  What if 60 million true conservative citizens marched on DC in the spring and demanded they instantly impeach obozo, pelousy, reid, boehner, mcconnell and all the other traitor or face the consequences of citizen trial immediately.
...would work, but we didn't even get 200 in DC on Veterand' Day in 2011.............................
I continue to grind my teeth in my sleep over all this (not joking) ... what "leadership" we have is spineless at best... we thought the US as we knew it was forever and dropped our guard and now the cost of that lack of vigilance leaves us with scumbags and idiots stealing us and our military blind... this will all erupt at some point, like a boil that's come to a head... maybe a catastrophe will save us...maybe refreshing our own Liberty Tree is imminent... we can't ingest this much anger forever.
I do agree with you. Where is the US Congress? Why isn't the US Congress doing their job? Why is Obama still in office?

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