Friday, December 16, 2011

You want what?

Obama being pressured to squash your religious liberties

Concerned Women for America
12:44 PM (9 minutes ago)
to me
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Penny Young Nance, Chief Executive Officer and President 
Concerned Women for America

Although I am pleased to report that pro-abortion advocate and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has rejected the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) request to make the emergency contraceptive, Plan B, easily accessible to young girls, the decision to force people of faith to pay for and promote birth-control, sterilization and early-term “Morning After” abortions through a proposed regulation in the president’s ObamaCare plan has yet to be decided.

That’s precisely why Concerned Women for America is moving quickly to rally and mobilize at least 50,000 grassroots signatures from conservative women and like-minded men who oppose President Obama’s latest assault on our religious freedom and what is certain to become another massive government handout paid for by your tax dollars!
The madness isn’t going to end until conservative women and men stand up and say “ENOUGH!”
Thank you for having already answered my call to action by adding your name to our petition opposing Obama’s Abortion Mandate. Because of Sebelius’ rejection of Plan B being marketed to young girls, we believe anti-life factions will dramatically increase their pressure on President Obama to make his decision forcing us to support his abortion mandate.
That’s why I’ve ordered my team to finalize plans to deliver the petitions to the HHS Secretary’s office early next week.

Until then, I would ask that you do two very important things to help us maximize our impact on this Pro-Life and religious liberty issue.
First, alert your conservative friends at work, and at church, to our upcoming delivery, and encourage them toclick here to add their name to our petition and be included.
Lastly, consider calling both HHS Secretary Sebelius and President Obama, personally letting each know how you feel about their violating the conscience of millions of Americans who have deep moral objections to his Abortion Mandate.

Here are the numbers you need:

• Health and Human Services Dept:  1-877-696-6775 or 202-690-7000
• The White House Comments Line: 202-456-1414

As Americans, we don’t have to sit silently while President Obama and his liberal cohorts whittle away at our rights and freedoms. We have the right to petition -- to object Obama’s Abortion Mandate and his unconscionable attack on our religious liberties!

Thank you in advance for answering my call to action.


Penny Young Nance
Chief Executive Officer and President
P.S. I am depending on our outstanding grassroots team to help rally the critically needed extra support to push back against President Obama’s abortion mandate. Forward this message to your friends and share our effort on Facebook.

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