Tuesday, December 20, 2011

EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power : Personal Liberty Digest™

EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power : Personal Liberty Digest™

EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power

December 20, 2011 by Personal Liberty News Desk

The focus of an upcoming global United Nations conference will be the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) goal to change how it makes decisions and analyzes problems to give it more power to regulate businesses, communities and ecosystems in the name of “sustainable development,” according to Fox News.
The news outlet reported that the major reason behind the EPA thinking is a study that the agency commissioned last year from the National Academies of Science. The study, entitled “Sustainability and the U.S. EPA,” cost nearly $700,000 and was run by a team of outside experts and staff from the academies.
Fox News reported that the aim of the study was to determine how to integrate sustainability “as one of the key drivers within the regulatory responsibilities of EPA.” The panel also wrote that part of its job is to be “providing guidance to EPA on how it might implement its existing statutory authority to contribute more fully to a more sustainable-development trajectory for the United States.”
The Associated Press reported that rules from the EPA have recently threatened to shut down more than 32 coal-fired power plants in a dozen States.

Filed Under: Conservative Politics, Other News, Personal Liberty News

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34 Responses to “EPA Ponders Expanded Regulatory Power”

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Hank says:
December 20, 2011 at 7:21 am
Doesn’t the American people know the EPA is a dangerous group with communist and sociualistic ideas – they need to be removed from power . They are killing this country’s manufactguring – they congtrol what you eat, what kind of toilet paper you use – no drilling – all fossil fuel is bad- plus do you realize you getting the tab on these rules – They money comes out of YOUR POCKET. STAND UP FORCE THE CONGRESS OR THE SENATE TO STOP TAKING $ IN THE BACK ROOM FROM THIS GROUP,WAKE UP

eddie47d says:
December 20, 2011 at 7:54 am
Washington State is doing fine and will soon have no coal fired power plants. It is cheaper for them to change than to have coal hauled in from Wyoming.They will have new energy sources and no one will be living in mud huts Jim Bob.

lkar says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:32 am
Not all states have access to hydro power!

JimBob says:
December 20, 2011 at 12:25 pm
If you live in Washington state, you must have a gob of money. Your precious windfarms (how many does it take to light one lightbulb (incandescant, not CFL) don’t do much good when the wind isn’t blowing. Just ask the folks in Texas who invested heavily and are ready to join Solyndra. I hope you have a backup source, not gasoline generators, not propane tanks, etc. Musn’t dirty up Washington’s lovely, scent-free environment. Givie me coal and lots of it.

Lost in Paradise says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:01 am
VOte Ron Paul, and the EPA is gone.

Lastmanstanding says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:58 am
when shtf, the people will take care of those that support the epa…communities are tuned into who they are.

it will be survival of one or the other…everyone should be looking into how they will respond…

Govt has created this scenario thru division…it will become a survival of the fittest/able to adapt planet.

Big Govt has created this throughout history…they create a group of people that need them, use them to stay in power, then eliminate them because they have become unable to take care of themselves.

wandamurline says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:07 am
We must recycle this congress and replace them with constitutional representation…that done, we must shut down the EPA…make it a private organization that pays its on way, and only makes suggestions on the environment. They need to go away as they are causing more economic problems for America.

Rational says:
December 20, 2011 at 1:35 pm
This is a report from FOX news. Relax, they spun it up to get your blood pressure up. Their news is non-news.

JimBob says:
December 20, 2011 at 7:30 am
They won’t be content until we’re living in mud huts, foraging for nuts and berries, no running water, heat or electricity. Another federal agency run amok. It won’t stop until we put a stop to the obama administration.

Jon Wolliger says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:15 am
That won’t happen, how would God fearing Americans Conservative Christians be forced into having socialistic liberal abortions without our modern ways?

Honestly though, the price of coal is much more expensive in the long run, they don’t include all of the health problems that come with coal being a few cents cheaper per MW hour than wind power. From mountaintop removal and the destruction of American drinking/head waters to your child’s asthma and it’s outrageously high ‘American Free Market Healthcare for Profit’ treatment, the cost of coal is much MUCH more than renewable/sustainable energy.

Jon Wolliger says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:22 am
And the jobs maintaining wind turbines don’t go away after the mountain is all gone/destroyed. There are already more wind power workers than coalfield workers in the US. (FACT) So, let’s hate the EPA for killing temporary jobs and trying to ensure our water and air is safe, for our kids and our kids’ kids, (KILL THOSE HATEFILLED COMMIE OBLAMABOTS, caring about my kids’ future!) and possibly supplying PERMANENT, well paying jobs! Oh my gosh, praise the Reagan!

FedUp says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:41 am
Visit South Point and get back to me.

As soon as the tides turned in their favor, the Kennedys and Pelosis said, as you and your neighbors will, NIMBY.

Coal may not be perfect, but it has come a long way in 40 years.

I’m curious: would you find burning wheat flour objectionable?

Moosedrool says:
December 20, 2011 at 11:32 am
Just talk to the people who live near those ugly wind turbines. The turbines are the butt of jokes. 90% of them are not running and some have never even “fired up”. What a waste of money, just like Solyndra.
Turbines need a minimum wind speed to turn then they SHUT OFF when the wind gets above a certain speed thus not making energy when the wind is most available. How can that be efficient?

ChristyK says:
December 20, 2011 at 2:07 pm
On the grid we use 2 types of power generation. Power that is always on at one level that covers the base power use. (usually hydro & nuclear). It also has power that goes up/down as useage goes up/down. (usually coal/nat gas) Wind & solar are neither. Solar is incredibly inefficient (cost/space/efficiency). Wind is more efficient, but tends to be available when the useage is lower (night/winter) and doesn’t blow when useage is high (day/summer). When coal/natgas plants have to compensate for a large amount of “green” energy, (that comes and goes when it choses instead of when it is needed), the coal/natgas plants have to keep running to be able to react to the large/sudden up/down electricity needs. These plants can only go up/down in production so fast. The more changes they have, the less efficient. If we put too much wind/solar on the grid, we actually require more coal/natgas than with no wind/solar on the grid. As long as we can’t store the energy produced by wind/solar, it does not help with energy production and it actually hurts our economy & environment.

I will say that in a small rural environment (rural house, rural livestock watering) wind/solar can be useful if electricity needs can come and go with the wind/sun or it is possible (though expensive) to have batteries to save energy for when there is not sun/wind. A system of any significant size, however, becomes prohibitively expensive.

eddie47d says:
December 20, 2011 at 7:48 am
All businesses push for Sustainability or Development. All businesses need a long term plan to stay viable or as efficient as possible so the EPA would be no different. All coal fired power plants pollute and release hazardous chemicals into the air which affects everyone’s health. It’s the EPA’s job to regulate emissions and to encourage power plants to be as efficient as possible for the health and safety of everyone. Most of these power plant haven’t met previous stands and new rules are coming on line by 2014. Since they didn’t comply before with scrubbers and other controls they are too inefficient and dangerous to keep running and may be forced to close. A few are over 50 years old and have outlived there usefulness and need to be replaced anyway. Washington state has actually taken it’s own initiative and is closing it’s last coal fired power plant within 12 years. This plant serves Seattle and Portland,Ore. and they have developed enough alternative energy sources to be able to do this. All workers will be transitioned out within that time frame which all parties have agreed to.

Lost in Paradise says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:06 am
It is all a dream, and not sustainable. It is too expensive to live now, and this would increase electric costs accross the U.S. Nuclear is too dam dangerous, and solar is not practical. What is left. Natural gas would work, but they are trying to shut that down also. WE cannot have perfection, and can only do so much. Agencies like the EPA are one of the major causes of our economy being in the crapper,right along side the fed.

Sirian says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:34 am
Could you please be a bit more specific on what forms of alternative energy sources have been implemented to take over coal powered power plants. They won’t allow nuclear power plants unless they are willing to sit back for ten years waiting on the permit to build one. There isn’t enough space for wind turbines to supply the state of Washington with enough energy as that would be a major determent to the forests that is one of their major sources of revenue. Washington state is cloud covered 75% of the time so solar wouldn’t be all that “progressive” as a reliable energy source. So, please, I understand that alternative energy sources would be good but would the EPA or even the state of Washington allow such grand ventures if it will increase the unemployment levels as well as decrease their tax revenue lanes? There may be good intent in your statement but what is it that will provide what is needed? Simple question, seeking a simple answer – logical and cost effective.

eddie47d says:
December 20, 2011 at 10:49 am
Washington state has 2 Nuclear facilities. One at Hanford which had a leak on April 8th this year and the Columbia Generating Plant in Benton County. They have a plan to build 4 more nuclear plants but that may not evolve. Those plans also have nothing to do with closing down their last Coal fired plant. No unemployment will occur with that shutdown because it is spread out over several years. Oregon has one Trojan Nuclear Power plant which also had a leak (1992) and are also on that Washington Coal Plant power grid. So far they said they can handle it. As far as losing tax revenue that will come from the new energy sources.

Lost in Paradise says:
December 20, 2011 at 8:10 am
I also think if a person likes socialism and its ways, then that person should move to a country that offers you that kind of life. The U.S. is not that kind of country yet, but it is headed in that direction if we do not do something fast. If you think life is so grand where they have socialized medicine for instance, then you need to live there and get some experience, if you can stand it that long.

Jon Wolliger says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:34 am
How about them bailouts, buddy? Hank Paulson didn’t pencil you in somewhere in that 7 trillion? Sorry, you’re not rich enough for American socialism. Vote GOP, you too, may be a ‘Job Creationist’ someday! (And I don’t like Obama at all before you start bashing me. Obama is further to the right than Reagan and has destroyed more environmental regulations than Bush did. But we shall ignore that to keep our Fox viewers happy!)

eddie47d says:
December 20, 2011 at 10:53 am
Obama has allowed the GOP to water down several environmental regulations such as the Clean Air Act. The GOP now has their foot on the neck of the Clean Water Act. More steps backwards.

dan says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:15 am
cut the electricity to all of the EPA offices….let them pedal
bike-generators to power their ill advised usurpation of legislative authority…
Make a note of all EPA cult/gang-members for future remediation…

don says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:30 am
we also need to get the united nations out of our business on regulating things. hillary and obummer want to regulate our second amendment and now they are sticking their noses into the epa… some day when the world goes belly-up financially under george bush sr. will get his wish of his new world order ruling the world with the un. right now we need to revoke our membership. it would go belly up with out all the money this country puts in. seems everything we’re in we pay the bill and the un funds are payed by the stupid usa. nato is also bankrolled byus. what need do we have vor it if we’re going communist. give it to russia since roles have switched with obumunism.

Jon Wolliger says:
December 20, 2011 at 9:56 am
Why don’t you leave the USA if you hate it so much? There are no rules or regulations in Somalia this time of year, and you can really love the second amendment like your life depended on it. And it’s WAY cheaper to pay a warlord not to attack you than all of the taxes for the police and everything.

Or is it not cool to say that when we disagree with people? Or only if you’re telling commie obummer butts to leave?

eddie47d says:
December 20, 2011 at 10:56 am
Well Don why does private companies abuse our resources more when there are no regulations than when there are regulations. The problem is the behavior of those private companies who do as they please.

coal miner says:
December 20, 2011 at 11:14 am
We got an endless source of fuels.One source is no farther than your front yard.It is grass.
Grassoline” still has some kinks to be worked out, as it is a fairly new process. … To fuel cellulosic ethanol and gasoline plants, you of course need a source or …
http://www.wpi.edu/Pubs/E-project/Available/E-project-050510-113148/unrestricted/GRASSOLIN... -

coal miner says:
December 20, 2011 at 11:38 am
Grassoline: why cutting your lawn may help U.S. energy security …
Grassoline: why cutting your lawn may help U.S. energy security from Automotive … It is a completely renewable fuel source that reduces our dependence on petroleum. … and the Arctic, to the highest towers in Vienna, Riyadh, and New York. …
http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0KJI/is_7_119/ai_n27327275/ – Cached

coal miner says:
December 20, 2011 at 12:46 pm
Water Fuel – One Way To Kill Your Soaring Gas Prices
Water fuel. It’s a viable and cost-effective way to kill gas prices before they kill you . … Subscribe To Alternate Energy Sources.com For A Flourishing Future. XML RSS … What is hydrogen gas; How much can you save with water fuel? … The road transport business needs all the help it can get to make a profit. Such diy kits …

coal miner says:
December 20, 2011 at 10:11 am
Hemp anyone?

One of the most beneficial uses for hemp would be as an alternative to tree- based paper. … from hemp is cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter), fuel, furniture, shoes, … As a protein source, hemp seeds are outdone only by soy beans. …

SMsgt Z(ret) Nam 68 says:
December 20, 2011 at 10:21 am
This web site would be a great source for Bovine Scatology collection


Terry M. Campbell says:
December 20, 2011 at 11:02 am
This article totally missed what is really happening. This is just one more step toward the “ONE WORLD GOVERNANCE” of the United Nations’ “Agenda 21”. This is very, very bad and must be stopped before it takes hold!!

The EPA needs to be, at a minimum, have their power drastically reduced or be illuminated altogether. They are part of the social engineering, environmental nut-cases that support reducing the human population and the global warming HOAX.

Terry M. Campbell

eddie47d says:
December 20, 2011 at 12:58 pm
One thing for sure you certainly have an Agenda of your own. There is a difference in trying to limit the increasing human population through birth control than through the terrible wars that end up killings millions. Saving the environment for future generations (increased populations) hardly makes anyone a nut case. I would say that those who don’t prepare for the increased influx of people could very well be the nutcases.Waiting to do something about any problem only exacerbates the problem.Global Warming has been more proved than disproved so that is hardly a hoax. The best thing to do on that issue is to consider the facts on both sides (which there is).

cherOKeekid says:
December 20, 2011 at 12:59 pm
EPA New Orleans’Afro-Am Lisa Jackson pouts because Potus rejected her current crusade: Stricter, new air regulation on emission control! In light of the upcoming Dem.pres.choice, Potus had sense to cancel her new play toy in the face of the failing economy, bad Potus poll numbers & bleak employment figures. Lisa was so upset she was going to quit her half million dollar job. Poor Lisa spent 2 days deciding whether she could stand the rejection or lose her cushy job … money won out! House Republicans introduced a bill last week that would terminate the EPA’s Environmental Justice eco-Ambassador program, which the GOP says is aimed at allowing only students sympathetic to the BO Admin’s environmental position to apply to become “eco-ambassadors.” The 18,000 EPA employees aren’t enough to police America but she wanted to hire kids to blanket the USA. Lisa hasn’t done enough to help the “elderly, children & low-incomers” (quote from EPA site) enjoy clean air. She has huge plans to take away more coal & chemical industry jobs in order for these citizens to breathe 100% pure air. Isn’t it ironic that while she’s doing this, she deprives these type people of jobs to pay for food, medicines & essentials to keep them living … how can you breathe when you are 6 feet under????

Jack Hotchkiss says:
December 20, 2011 at 2:29 pm
Dis-band the EPA now!!!


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