Sunday, May 6, 2012

DHS Preparing for Massive Civil War? – Patriot Update

DHS Preparing for Massive Civil War? – Patriot Update

DHS Preparing for Massive Civil War?

Sunday, May 6, 2012
dhs civil war
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In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America.
“We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising.”
Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world’s primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed.
Uprisings in Greece is, indeed, a problem, but an uprising of armed Americans becomes a matter of serious national security, a point addressed in a recent report by the Pentagon and highlighted as a vulnerability and threat to the U.S. during war-game exercises at the Department of Defense last year, according to one of the DoD’s war-game participants, Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.
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  • JackHotchkiss
    Obama backer George Soros buys Spanish Company that will
    count US Election votes

    Nick Fortune
    9:55 AM (5 hours ago)

    to Nick


    Obama backer George Soros buys
    Spanish Company that will count
    US Election votes
    SCYTL is the name of the
    Barcelona-based company that now owns
    the rights to count most of the votes in the upcoming
    US Election. 
    Obama gave this company his blessing to provide their 'secure' voting services
    to the US Electoral process.
    It isn't bad enough that a foreign company will count the votes, but that
    company was just bought by one of Obama's puppet masters George Soros.
    Obama will be a second term president unless Americans revolt now. He has front
    run the election process.
    "It doesn't matter who votes. What matters is who
    counts the votes." Joseph Stalin
  • Slrassoc
    Locked and loaded. Bring it.
  • Guest
    Which ever way you look at it, this would be a lopsided civil war. Keep your wits.
  • jkdriss
    Well, lets all take the time to thank our congressmen and senators who have been taking bribes, payouts and selling us out for their own political interests for the past several decades. It is also because of these snakes that there is even any division between Americans at all. Americans can stop this from happening by realizing we pretty much believe in the same things that have been labeled and packaged as opposing ideologies. This is two unbelievable. These bastards knew that what they were doing was going to lead to this type of wide scale disaster and they have been preparing for it all along while they were selling us down the pipes.
  • I think this is still a bit far fetched however if you insist on considering the likelihoods...
    I believe that local police will continue to enforce civil law regardless of all other circumstances.
    I believe that federal police would attempt to squelch any civil disobedience including armed insurrection.
    I believe that the military might attempt to remain apart from any armed insurrection and ultimately place themselves between federal police and citizens if the current President were to declare martial law. However, I do not believe that they would follow his orders if he directed them to actively prosecute a war against civilians. I just don't think that President Obama has their undivided loyalty. 
    I remember when I was an Army commissioned officer during Nixon's administration and he began babbling about "sinister forces" as though he might declare martial law. Few junior officers were about to support that move. I know because we talked about it, and I think that Nixon had more respect than Obama.
  • PatriotDiva, politically active homemaker
    They are preparing for a civil war because they are HELPING TO START IT! The thugs in our government have purposely done everything they could to destory this country. They are following the Cloward-Piven strategy to a letter. All I can say is buy as much guns and ammo as you can. Your government is not your friend!
  • lucasg7
    Why do you think they passed the Military Commission act of 2006, The Patriot Act, and expanded the TSA to schools, fairs, train station, and highways?
    We are the enemy.
  • cwgf
    Today we have modern Minutemen who will fight and die for our America. And America is not the crooks who have stolen our government and institutions today. The people running the show today are 99% traitors, communists, and weak men & women of low character and integrity.
  • lucasg7
    Live Free or Die; Death is NOT the worst of Evils,
  • fliteking
    Yes, yes and yes. 
  • AVeteran
    And they know this is coming yet they continue to spend as if there is no tomorrow.  Perhaps there may not be, this country will be a shadow of what it used to be  and we can thank our intuitive lawyer politicians who have destroyed this country like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd and those who have stood idly by watching like McConnell, Boehner etc.  I don't know but they hung Musollini and a few of his henchmen after WWII, I hope we dont' get to that point.  He destroyed Italy and was a dictator...
  • They are spending to build new ports of entry at both northern and southern borders, (they  look more like  keeping people from leaving,  than to prevent people coming in) building and manning labor camps (concentration camps), if not all ready passed, there are bills in congress to initiate martial law in peacetime, authorizing many federal agencies to confiscate, land, vehicles, manpower, food, livestock etc.  Another bill is to authorize the IRS power to make it illegal for people to own  firearms because of delinquet taxes or lateness in paying taxes.  What about the bill to make protesting a felony?   Employers  using bad credit to not hire someone?  The recipe for chaos is all ready in the making.  I would imagine the treaty with the United Nations will put in place the deployment of UN troops to the United States to implement martial law and to restrain, imprison, and execute those of us who resist.  The Obama administration is upping the ante by snowballing these actions and keeping the American public in the dark as much as possible....
  • Ann Rand
    The media has long been hoping for this.I guess they think they would really have some hot topics and they could all be war correspondents..     God Bless Charlie Daniels.... He is a true American.
  • readyaimfire
    I sure hope so!  It time to get this country back on the right track! The  only way it can be done is by war and if its between country men that are patriots and those that are traitor, Marxist, democrats then so be it! 
  • fliteking
    "but an uprising of armed Americans becomes a matter of serious national security, a point addressed in a recent report by the Pentagon and highlighted as a vulnerability and threat to the U.S. during war-game exercises at the Department of Defense last year, according to one of the DoD’s war-game participants" 
    Kind of says it all, no? If the S does HTF  there will be no help for Conservatives, just a cell, if Progressives are still pulling the strings in Washington. 
    Prepare. Maybe someday we can laugh about it. Still, prepare.
  • Telecaron
    39-45% of American households have guns.  Last estimation was 80 million firearms.  And those are only the ones that are registered.  Most don't need registration.
    The American people are more heavily armed than any other nation and this has helped to ensure our freedoms.  Other countries know this and it has had an effect on their decisions concerning their relations with the U.S.  The army of North Korea is considered one of the largest armies in the world but pales in comparison to the fire power possessed by the American people.
    So yes, we are feared.  But we're also feared by the progressives taking over the country.  This is why they are preparing for domestic conflict.  They are well aware that their end game plans will mobilize a heavily armed America.  
    Conservatives DO NOT fear the American public.  They have no reason to as they believe in freedom.  It's a concept which embraces a lack of control up until your actions infringe on the rights of others as  defined in the Constitution.  Liberals believe they have an inherent right to control the actions of others regardless of any qualifications.  
    If BHO wins another term you will see a rapid move to curtail the 2nd amendment.  Something which has lasted hundreds of years will be dismantled in 4.  The end justifies the means for the left.  Just look at the Fast & Furious scandal.
  • Seniorsquadldr
    The first thing that will happen is the Constitution will be suspended. The arrests will then start. No Constitution, no rights, only that, that is permitted is allowed. The late grate United States of America.
  • fliteking
    I think this is right on the money. 
    I am not convincedConservative Americans will fall in place like the Russians and Nazis did though, if such a scenario should arise I get the underlying sense we will come to our neighbors aid.
    I strongly get the sense Liberals have been molded into a mindset that will readily let them and their families fall prey . . . and further that liberals will stand by and watch while freedoms are violated and the innocent are incarcerated or worse. 
  • PatriotDiva, politically active homemaker
    More than likely they will start snitching on their conservative neighbors.


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