Friday, December 28, 2012

Muslim doctor whose Nebraska clinic infected dozens with hepatitis, killing some, blames "anti-Muslim sentiment," applies for reinstatement - Constitutional Emergency

Muslim doctor whose Nebraska clinic infected dozens with hepatitis, killing some, blames "anti-Muslim sentiment," applies for reinstatement - Constitutional Emergency

Muslim doctor whose Nebraska clinic infected dozens with hepatitis, killing some, blames "anti-Muslim sentiment," applies for reinstatement

Javed.jpgJaved: Trying to fool the kuffar again

"Unsanitary practices in the Fremont clinic led to hepatitis C infections in at least 99 patients, several of whom died." But it was all "Islamophobia," don't you see? After fleeing the country to avoid prosecution, "in Pakistan, Javed became a public health official and reportedly blamed the situation in Nebraska on anti-Muslim sentiment."
Islamic Supremacist Chutzpah Alert: "Doc whose Fremont clinic infected patients with hepatitis seeks N.Y. license to practice," by Rick Ruggles for the Omaha World-Herald, December 27 (thanks to LJ):
Dr. Tahir Ali Javed, whose Fremont cancer clinic infected dozens of patients with hepatitis a little more than a decade ago, has applied for reinstatement of his medical license in New York.
Javed, 47, fled to his native Pakistan 10 years ago, when the severity of the hepatitis outbreak became known. His medical license in Nebraska was revoked. He surrendered his New York license.
In Pakistan, Javed became a public health official and reportedly blamed the situation in Nebraska on anti-Muslim sentiment.
Unsanitary practices in the Fremont clinic led to hepatitis C infections in at least 99 patients, several of whom died.
A Fremont-based group called the HONOReform Foundation grew out of the tragedy. It promotes sanitary practices in health care settings. The “One and Only” campaign that it advocates seeks to educate nurses, doctors and others of the importance of using syringes and needles only once.
Javed could not be reached for comment. His Omaha attorney, Michael D. Jones, said he hadn't had contact with Javed in years.
Antonia Valentine of the New York State Education Department, which rules on restoration of medical licenses, confirmed that Javed has applied for reinstatement.
Valentine said in an email that the application will be investigated and referred to two committees before the New York Board of Regents rules on it. It's unclear when the ruling will be issued. Valentine declined to provide further information.
Steve Langan, executive director of HONOReform, said, “Sick people were injured, some of them died, and no justice has been done.”
The Nebraska Attorney General's Office pursued the revocation of Javed's medical license in 2003. It accused him of unprofessional conduct and gross negligence for allowing staffers to reuse syringes, which contaminated large bags of saline with hepatitis. The saline was used to clean out implanted devices that administer chemotherapy and other medications to cancer patients, infecting patients with hepatitis in the process.
The allegations said Javed had been warned multiple times that his office used unsanitary practices in administering the drugs and continued to allow it.
The Attorney General's Office also accused him of exploiting a patient to conduct a sexual relationship with her. The attorney general alleged that Javed, a cancer specialist, gave the woman a false diagnosis and told her not to seek treatment elsewhere because other providers would inform her insurance company and she wouldn't be able to get insurance again.
Documents indicate that Javed admitted to little. The exploitation accusations were dismissed. Javed chose not to contest the case against him and agreed to a settlement in which his Nebraska medical license was revoked in September 2003.
New York records show that Javed surrendered his medical license in that state in 2004, after he chose not to contest the Nebraska allegations.
Travis Bennington, a Fremont attorney who co-wrote a book on the case with one of the victims, Evelyn McKnight, saidJaved fled to his native Pakistan before any criminal charges could be filed....
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I'd infect that bastard with a hefty dose of lead...
Lord help us JESUS! How many others are practicing that we don't know about?
Islamaphobia? Anti-muslim sentiment? No, it's kaffir-phobia on your part, you Paki dog. You come here assault and murder citizens, scurry off, like the alley rat you are, to your dunghole home. Now, after 10 years, you think you can poke your face back into the trough again. Your vile being should never grace our shores again.  If so, at the least, a rope and a tree is all you deserve.
I have noticed in places that are run by muslim men are not as clean as they should be. I also have been in places where the wife is invovled and the places are very clean. There is NO excuse for this low life to be allowed ever to come back to OUR country. When is this nightmare of this muslim in OUR W/H  go away? I see so many people in actual fear of all barak hussein is going to do to the family as to taking OUR money to feed his habits??
God save us from this evil.
Reply to JOhn--They don't deserve to work here. They don't like us or our country but they sure like our money. Don't use muslim docs and don't take any of your family to them. Refuse to be treated in the hosp. A lot of hospitals have what they call hospitalists, it means that if you don't have a doc on staff then you get a hospitalists to take care of you while you are in the hospital and they are mostly muslim. You have the right to refuse any doc, please do.
Hospitals are hiring so many of these muslim docs. They don't want a woman to tell them anything and some have a lot of trouble with nurses and the closeness we have with some docs. They want you to walk behind them and don't dare try to be friendly with them or shake their hand. I don't trust any of them and would not let them treat any of my family members. As a nurse, I have heard them stand out in the hall and talk in arabic or whatever hocking and spitting language they use. They don't use english that is for sure. I had one curse me in his language one night because another doc ask me to call him. It was 4am and he yelled and hollered on the phone "why are you calling me at 4am?" I told him because the other doc had ask me to and to do it now. So he yelled at me in some language I couldn't understand. Someone said how do you know he was cursing you? I said well I doubt if he was telling me what a great nurse I was. LOL. I wish we would get rid of the muslim doctors. Who knows what they are giving you or how they are treating you.
Ditto from a Physical Therapist- I either walk next to them OR ahead of them. Screw their shariah
They are all out to kill the "infidel" where-ever and how-ever they can...Hep-C was his weapon of choice...Would it be politically incorrect to ask your doctor if he is Muslim???  Trust non of them, they know exactly what they are doing........
Must be the Paki's would rather he be killing kufar as his religion mandates. If he turns up here again he should face charges, from three of five in the squad.
His infectious ways are that of a sleeper, terrorist aiming to kill Americans-if it were anti-muslim by patients with cancer, WHY would they be in his clinic
'TAKIA'-remember the FDNY who said they use takia lying to all non-muslims to achieve destruction of infidels. This man's takia is killing with HepC. he should not be allowed into America, let alone practice in any state. Call your Congressmen-tell them to pass bill specially prohibiting reientry. Reentry is up to State and who runs State-Clinton the queen of truth and concussions.
America is full of foreign Doctors.

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